Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Friday, July 10, 2015

Thursday July 9, 2015 Oceanside, CA

Gerri got up at 5 so she could be ready by 6 when Curtis and Dana picked her up to take Brandon and Vanessa to Disneyland.

 I got up later and fixed myself some coffee and had it while I caught up on computer stuff and puttered around the coach.

Gerri called once and let me know they had arrived safely at Disneyland.  I didn't hear from her again all day because when I left for the Carlsbad Inn I left my phone in the coach.

Todd and his family had gone kayaking in La Jolla.  When they were back at the Carlsbad Inn, Todd called and I joined him by the pool there.  We watched Emma and Wyatt play in the water until they were thoroughly waterlogged and very tired.  We went in their unit.  After the kids had cleaned up, Wyatt and I played Uno while Todd worked at painting the parts of a  model airplane before assembling the kit. Emma and Jeannette worked on some crafts.  We had some fruit for snacks.

At a little after 6 we walked a few blocks to Garcia's Mexican Restaurant on State street  We had another excellent Mexican meal. After eating we walked a couple of blocks south to look for a geocache that I hadn't found a few years ago.  After some hunting around ground zero for quite a while, Wyatt finally spotted the container in the branches of a tree.  After our success with the geocache we went to an ice cream store called Sub Zero.  It's kind of like Cold Stone except that they mix the ice cream in a stainless steel bowl and freeze it with liquid nitrogen instead of on a cold stone.  Emma and Wyatt watched the process very closely, even getting a couple of burns from the nitrogen.  The store was doing a good business but we didn't buy anything.

It was after 8 when we got back to the Carlsbad Inn.  We said goodnight in the parking lot and I went back to the RV Park.  I called Gerri and found out they were going to be at Disney land until later.

I tried to watch a show on Amazon Prime but the bandwidth was low so I switched to the Blue Ray and watched a couple of really old John Wayne movies.

Gerri got home at about 10:30.  I gave her a foot rub and she quickly went went to bed.

I don't have the entire story of Disneyland.  I do know that some how the family was chosen "Guests of the Day."  Here are pictures from the "Happiest Place on Earth."

Did I say happy?


Monkeys or my grandchildren?

Brandon on Tom Sawyer Island

The Tea Cups are still popular

I love you Daddy!

Miss V


You have to be how tall for this ride?

At least the driver isn't texting!

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