Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Monday, July 6, 2015

Sunday July 5, 2015 Oceanside, CA

I was up by 8am and fixed the coffee and we started drinking it while I got ready for Church.  At 9:30 I left for the Oceanside Central Church of Christ. It was only about a five minute drive.  When I got there I found that worship service was sat 10:45.  I was late for bible study but went in anyway.  Gerri had stayed at the coach to watch the net cast from our home congregation at Oakey Boulevard.  We had attended worship services at the Central Church of Christ a few times in the past.  It was always a small congregation.  Today there were about 20 worshipers.  It may have been because of the holiday weekend.  It turns out that the net cast Gerri was watching worked well during Bible Study but went off before the worship service started.

Brandon and Vanessa at the Harbor Fish Cafe

Curtis and family were at our house in Las Vegas most of the week.  They must have gotten an early start and had light traffic.  They were at the Carlsbad Inn before 2.  We went to the Carlsbad Inn and met them on the Green and then went to lunch at the Harbor Fish Cafe.  Their room was ready by three.

Vanessa being...well, being Vanessa

Todd and family arrived before four and their room was also ready.  While they unpacked the rest of us sat on the green and listened to music while the kids ran around.  Gerri, Dana and Vanessa went to the grocery store. Shortly after that Todd, Jeannette, Emma and Wyatt joined us.  Just before Gerri and Dana got back Todd and Emma also went to the store.

Games on the Green

After everyone was back we all visited. The kids joined in with a few others for lawn activities.  They played musical chairs and a couple versions of tag.

Emma and Wyatt ready for dinner at Norte
We all went to dinner at Norte.  After dinner we all went our separate ways,  us to the RV Park and the kids to their separate rooms.  We own two units this week at the Carlsbad Inn but they are at opposite ends of the Elm buildings.

Vanessa though her quesadilla was a taco,
Todd didn't know what to think.

Back at the coach we caught up on on computer time.  After Gerri went to bed I watched a Star Trek episode.  The internet connection was slow and kept buffering.  I should have just given up and went to bed, but I stuck with it to the end.  I was in bed by 11:30.

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