Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Friday, August 7, 2015

Thursday August 6, 2015 Menifee, CA

Another normal morning for us.  It wasn't as sunny as the last few days.  When we went out there were different types of clouds everywhere we looked.

We decided to drive to Riverside to visit the graves of my Mother and Stepfather at the Riverside National Cemetery.  The drive was only about 20 miles.  I knew the section number but had left my notes at the motor home.  We had to go to the office and check the locator. Once we had the site number we found the grave easily.  We brought flowers and while there discovered my mom's last name had been misspelled, so I will be making some calls on that.

We drove to Arlington to see if the Church Of Christ where Gerri's family worshiped when her father was assigned at March Air Force Base was still there.  It was about 10 miles from where they lived

Gerri called her cousin, Arlene, and we got directions to the house they lived at when they lived in Riverside.  The house was on a narrow, dead end street and the house numbers were jumbled.  We finally found the address.  While Gerri was out of the Jeep taking a picture a man came out of the house.  He was pointedly watching us as we drove out of the neighborhood andand even followed us to the main road.

By now we were hungry and decided to find a Polly's Pies for an early dinner.  We choose Polly's because it had been one of my mother's favorite places to eat.  The closest one was 20 miles away in Hemet.  Shortly after turning off I-215 there were some sprinkles that spotted my recent car was.  As we entered the town of Hemet we had a brief downpour that ended as we pulled into the parking lot. The GPS was directing us another .6 mile.  There were no cars and a closed sign on the door.  Nothing about them moving to another location.  We turned the GPS back on and followed the rest of the directions.  Sure enough there was Polly's.

After eating Gerri drove me to an easy geocache in the same parking lot.  We then headed for the RV Park in Menifee.  It was a little less than 10 miles away.  As we made the first turn following the instructions we saw that the first restaurant we had stopped at wasn't even a Polly's, it was a Coco's. We had a good laugh most of the rest of the way home.

Before leaving for Riverside I had set the DVR to record the Republican debates.  We watched the recording and then switched to the TV and notice the debates were still on.  I had recorded only the first round with the second tier candidates.  We were able to watch most of the rest of the debate live.

We called it a night after TV and reading.

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