Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Wednesday June 11, 2014 Couer d'Alene, ID

It was another lazy morning.  We had set an alarm for 9.  There was a 10am orientation scheduled and followed by a briefing on tomorrow's travel.  We were up before the alarm went off, but not by much. We started our coffee and took the rest to the orientation.  The orientation covered  safety and generally what to expect during the trip especially at the first border crossing..  The briefing was after a short break.  The briefing covered tomorrow's travel to Radium Hot Springs, BC.  We were given a Travel Log which seems to cover the route in smaller increments than a mile.  It gave information about the roads and landmarks along the way.  It included service stations, stores and turn outs for emergencies or just picture taking.  The orientation and briefing took most all of the morning and into the early afternoon.

We went Walmart to finish shopping for a few items that we didn't get at Albertson's yesterday.

Cedars Floating Reasaurant

Lake Coeur d'Alene
The Walmart trip brought us back to the coach in time to relax a little before dinner.  We had a great meal at the Cedars.  A nearby floating restaurant  There was a choice of chicken, salmon of prime rib. We had been there before and the food was as good as ever.  Gerri and I both had the planked salmon.  We had chicken Tuesday night and had steak a couple of nights since being here in CdA.  The prime rib would have been a better choice only because the meal was large enough that we would have left overs. You should know by now that we love leftovers.

After dinner we called the kids in Texas on Skype and told them goodbye since we may not have internet service in many places in Canada and even some places in Alaska.

We started getting ready to travel.  Gerri fixed some hamburger for an enchilada dish and put some tuna fish together for sandwiches.  We are having a pot luck tomorrow in Radium Hot Springs.  I hooked up the jeep and took down the flags and flagpole.  I also emptied the sewer and put away the sewer and water hoses.  As it turns out I was premature with that because Gerri had planned to take a shower.  Change of plans, shower tomorrow.
Desert at Cedars Floating Restaurant

Lupine and Daisy flowers along the lake

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