Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 15, 2013, Oceanside, CA

I was up early this morning, 7 AM.  Gerri was already up.  I fixed the coffee to start the day and caught up on Facebook and my e-mail.  The sky was overcast but the sun started peeking through by 7:30.  I cleaned up the Jeep.  During the repairs to the house I had to park the Jeep outside.  If I had known how hard the tree dripping would be to get off, I would have parked on the street.  Even using the Solution, I had to go over the Jeep twice so the windows wouldn't be streaked.

Egg hunter Gerri and June
Gerri had lunch with her Egg-hunting buddy from Oceanside, June Keil, at Fratillo's Italian Restaurant on Mission Blvd.

While she was gone I walked down to the beach to look for a cache.  I waited until a group finished their lunch and left.  Then I didn't find the cache.  On the way back to the RV park I decided to walk north on the Coast Hwy. to look at some old cars for sale.  One place had a Chevy Nova sedan delivery that really looked nice.  Another place had a 50's era Jeep station wagon but most of the front including the engine are missing and the rest of the body had a lot of rust.

When I got back to the coach, I was in trouble.  Gerri had got there before me and didn't have a key to get in.  I was in trouble because I didn't hear my phone ringing.  Since she had parked away from the motor home she didn't try the door opener on the dash of the Jeep.

It got warm during the afternoon and we spent most of the time inside.  At dinner time we couldn't use the microwave to heat up our left overs.  The microwave wasn't getting any power.  I checked the breaker box, no luck.  Later I foud where the microwave plugs in and unplugged it and then re-plugged it.  It then worked.  I found that if I delayed too long in setting the time the display goes blank, it has done this before.  Another item added to our repair list.

We watched some recorded TV programs, put in some computer time.  I loaded a Sudoku app on the i-Pad and did some of the puzzles.  I only did easy ones.  It is generally easier to do the puzzles on paper until I learned the keystrokes.  The app designer's idea of easy is different than mine, but I did solve all the puzzles I tried.  I went to bed a little after 10 and Gerri wasn't far behind.  By bedtime the air was cool and made for comfortable sleeping.

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