Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday Sept. 23, 2009 Hershey, PA

From the Hershey Thousand Trails Preserve, Lebanon, PA.
This was our last day here. We drove to the QVC studios in West Chester, PA. It wasn’t a bad visit, less than $250.00. Tomorrow we leave for Vermont for a couple of weeks.

As I write this I am sitting only about 90 miles from the city where the documents that founded this once great country were signed. As the news of the day unfolded I discovered that a little less than twice that far away is the city where the man who currently occupies the president’s chair took an axe to the remnants of this once proud republic.
On May 18, 1964 I swore an oath, one of few I have sworn on my scared honor. Adhering to that oath has consumed my adult life and I have never been and never will be released from it. My devotion to that oath consumed my youth, contributed the destruction of a marriage, robbed me of time I could have been with my children and to a large extent ruined my health. That oath was: I, Frank Barker, do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution and government of the United States, and the Constitution and government of the State of Nevada, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution or law of any state notwithstanding, and that I will well and faithfully perform all the duties of the office of Deputy Sheriff, on which I am about to enter; so help me God. The President swears or affirms to a similar oath or affirmation when he assumes the office.
Under the astronomic odds of ovarian roulette I was born in the United States of America. That is a certainty we cannot attribute to our current president. As a child after WWII we were proud of this country. Although it would be publically incorrect we played games (please excuse what is now considered racist but at the time were words in everyday use) cowboys and indians, Americans and japs and Americans and krauts. You probably realize which were the bad guys who always lost. We had to take turns or no one would have played the bad guy roles.
Like many people of my generation honesty, truth and patriotism were drummed into us as was love of God, family and country. I have studied a great deal of history and realize not all of our history reflects these ideals. But, we have always held to high ideals , not necessarily realized. For instance we celebrate the Fourth of July 1776, when independence from England was declared, not the Third of September 1783 when it was actually won. This country was won and preserved by men and women of great faith, pride, great vision, audacity and love of country. I grieve for all the patriots who’s blood was shed and who's lives were sacrificed to win and preserve the freedoms I have enjoyed for 67 years. To now see that those lives and that blood were in vain, cuts me to the soul. I never thought I would live to see the leader of this country grovel and apologize to a general assembly of the United Nations for our accomplishments, our way of life and influence in this world. Michelle Obama told us she was never proud of the United States until her husband was nominated as the Democrat’s presidential candidate. If what Barrack Obama said today was the true belief and position of this country, today would be the first time I would be truly be ashamed of our country. I don’t believe he expressed this countries true sentiments, so I’m not ashamed to be an American. I am deeply embarrassed that this political hack, who won’t even show proof of citizenship, stood before a useless body made up mostly of representatives of despotic governments who prove enmity to this country daily and apologize on our behalf. The United Nations, mostly financed by us, is a pit of vipers striking daily at the principals for which the United States of America stands and now this “leader” apologizes. It is obvious that he places no value on the oath taken earlier this year and never intends to abide by it.
We can only hope that the person who will presently be elected President, 2012, will have the will and ability to pull us back from the brink to which the current one and the congress have brought us.
I make no apologies for what I have written. If you don’t like it, get over it. Continue supporting the blind march to socialism and destruction of the United States of America.

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