Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Monday July 4, 2016 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Today we celebrate the declared freedom and actual freedom that we in this country were born into.  On the other hand we mourn those freedoms lost and deteriorating under the current regime.

We slept later than usual and had our coffee before embarking on today's adventures to Peggy's Cove and environs.  My first destination was set for the White Sail Bakery. but we drove on by and Gerri's eye was caught by a picturesque small cove off St Margaret's Bay with many old and new style lobster traps.

We stopped at the Swiss Air Flight 111 Memorial.

Before we headed on to Peggy's Cove we back tracked a little to a house that has a Peggy of the Cove museum and a colorful display outside.  I found a cache here.

The geocache is in the yellow box

Peggy's Cove was as beautiful as I remembered.  We think it was greener than when we we here last fall.  There certainly were more people.  Peggy's Cove is a small fishing village with a lighthouse, an old church and now a few shops and restaurants catering to tourists.

On the drive we noticed two very large RV Parks, one, The King Neptune had sites overlooking the ocean.

On the way back to the RV park we stopped at the White Sails Bakery and had a late lunch.  We shared a Montreal Meat sandwich, a root beer and order of classic style Poutine.  The Poutine was french fries topped with cheese curds and brown gravy.  The Montreal Meat sandwich was a very juicy smoked brisket.  I found a cache only 85' from our table.

Back at the park we rested for awhile and caught up on computer chores and family news on the internet.  Before dinner I left the park and found three nearby caches.

Dinner was at 6.  The hall was decorated for the 4th of July.  Dinner was whole lobster catered by the RV Park staff.  Messy eating but very good,  Gerri and I have to be pardoned for eating only the tail and claws and the meat from the larger part of the legs.  Whatever that stuff in the body is doesn't seem appetizing to us, like sucking crawdad heads only on a larger scale.

Following the dinner we were treated to music by the Birds, Valerie and Herb, and vocalizations by Dale Christie.

We all sang along to some patriotic songs.  It was a very stirring celebration of our countries birth.

We read some and watched some TV before retiring.

We are in no hurry to start traveling in the morning.  We only have 52 miles to drive to Lunenburg, although we are told there is a lot to see there in the way of historic sites.

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