Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sunday October 5, 2014 Lahaina, Maui, HI

We see this species often
"Six days shall thy labor and do all thy work." - Exodus 20:9.  I'm not sure if relaxing and enjoying Hawaii is work, but we sure didn't work today.  We sure did less on Sunday than we have the past week.  I don't need any sticklers pointing out that the seventh day Exodus refers to is not Sunday.

Actually we did quite a bit today.  We got up early enough to tune into and participate in the worship services from Oakey Blvd. Church of Christ.  Jesus Perez taught an excellent lesson on living our daily lives and how to conduct lives in the church. The lesson came from the first chapter of the book of James.  Neva brought communion supplies, so we were able to participate in the Lord's Supper.

A screen shot from Skype
This was Brandon's birthday, eight years old. They called on Skype and we watch Brandon open his presents. His current passion is skateboarding so many of the gifts had that theme.

It was a rainy morning and the start of the afternoon didn't look too promising for the sun to come out for Gerri and Neva to lay out in the sun. I made pastrami sandwiches for lunch and served them with Quinoa salad.

We did roust ourselves out to the patio table for a game of Train.  I never had a chance, no one does when playing against Barnharts.  The game was decided before we played the "0" set.  We played it anyway, who knows when lightning will strike.  It didn't and Neva was the winner.  I came in last.

Later in the afternoon we got another Skype call and watched Brandon blow out the candles on his birthday cake and start eating it.  Carrying on the tradition of his father it was ice cream cake.

We tuned in to the netcast of evening services at Oakey Blvd.  Of course that was only late afternoon here.  Randy continued his series of lessons from the book of Esther.  Today Randy brought us through Chapter 7.  In these lessons from Esther were taught how to conduct ourselves according to God's will and in service to others.  We are also taught through the bad example of Hammon how not to conduct ourselves.

Watching the sunset has become a ritual and we sat out by the ocean watching the sun go down.

Tonight there was the added attraction of a nearly full moon.  The moon was high in the sky by sunset. It is still waxing full, in a couple of days it will be completely full.

We had salad with grilled chicken for supper. We finished off the night with TV, reading and computer time.

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