Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013, San Jose Del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Since we still had the rental car until the afternoon we decide to go for lunch at the Tropicana restaurant in San Jose. After driving to town we changed our minds and decided to go to Habanero's instead. Habanero's is a restaurant that has been recommended to us by several people over the years. After 13 years we finally made it and we will now be recommending it to others. We got there in time for brunch and there were a variety of items on the menu, several egg dishes, French Toast, crepes, breakfast burritos and the like. All came with coffee or tea and a side of fresh fruit and all priced at $100 MP, about $8 USD according to the exchange rate posted. The food was plentiful and as in most restaurants in Los Cabos the service was excellent. This was good food at a good value. Gerri had Huevos Rancheros and I had Eggs Benedict served with avocado and shrimp. This is the first restaurant in Los Cabos where we didn't have to ask, “dame la cuenta, por favor.” The waiter brought the bill without my asking.

Gerri asked our waiter about finding coconuts that were firmer than most sold at stands. He recommended asking for Coco Viejo. Most of the fresh coconut here is green and the meat very soft, Gerri may like green bananas but she doesn't like soft, green coconuts.

We stopped at a Mega store before heading back to the Club Regina. Mega is a local store much like Super Walmart. We bought tortilla and cheese, some yogurt and some avocados. I was impressed with mountains of fresh fruit and vegetables available

Just south of San Jose is a section of road labeled “Curva muy Peligrosa” and it is also at the top of a hill with a scenic turnout. This is where Gerri wanted to stop and try the phrase Coco Viejo. The turnout is on the north bound side so I had to go a place down the road where there was a turn around and go back north. We parked near the Cocos Frescos truck. As I approached the truck, Gerri noticed the third item on the “menu,” Coco Dura. I recognized that as meaning hard coconut, so that is what I ordered. These stands serve the coconut out of an ice chest in the husk with a hole cut in the top to use a straw to drink the water. After drinking the water you return to the vendor and he cracks the whole thing open and scoops the meat into a plastic bag. Like I said the locals like the meat soft and usually add lime and hot sauce that is available on the truck.

Back at the Club Regina I turned in the rented car. I decided to try again with the internet connection and while we were gone it had healed itself and I was at the correct log in screen. I got yesterday's blog done. After we got the few groceries put away, Gerri went to the laundry room and washed the clothes we had worn during the last two weeks. It was mostly bathing suits. She proof read yesterday's blog and I published it and shared it on Facebook. I signed Gerri's computer on to the Raintree network with no difficulty.

Our unit here is close to the Westin Hotel, on the second level overlooking the hotel pool which is the only thing between us, the beach and the ocean. We can hear the constant surf. Late in the afternoon we sat on the balcony and watched the ocean. There were whitecaps at first and then the waves calmed down. At least they did out from shore, on the beach the waves continued to crash.

We both read for awhile and then caught up with our internet and e-mail. It is nice having internet anytime we want it, even if it is a little slow.

We had snacks while sitting on the balcony and later finished the left over molcajetas for supper.

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