Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013, Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico

As we are use to doing we had our coffee while catching up on e-mail and Facebook. Surprisingly I worked out two more Sudoku puzzles.

We went to the adult pool for Loteria. Pam and Steve were there. Once it was Loteria time another couple joined us. I won the first game. Steve won one. I tied the last game with Pam and she won the draw for tie breaking. We stayed at the adult pool the entire afternoon. Gerri ordered onion rings as an afternoon snack. This was Steve and Pam's last day and they made dinner plans in San Jose del Cabo.

Pinata at the children's party
As we left the pool we saw parts of a party being put on for the resort employees' children.  They were playing musical chairs and had a giant pinata.

We went back to our unit and relaxed before dinner. We were watching TV until the cable went off. Gerri fixed pasta and cheese with ham. Kind of like mac and cheese only using spaghetti.

Tonight's sunset lit up the sky briefly. The moon didn't rise until much later.

If you look real close you can see the arch
We played dominoes after dinner.  Gerri won two, I won one.  Pam and Steve stopped by when they got back from their dinner in San Jose.  Pam brought us the SD card from her camera. Last night at dinner Gerri's battery had died.  Most of the dinner and sunset pictures were on Pam's camera.  We chatted for awhile as I picked out the pictures from last night and copied them to my computer.  Even though they were taken yesterday, I'm including some of the pictures with this blog.

Sunset from the Mona Lisa Resaurant

Although we may see them briefly tomorrow before the leave, we said our goodbyes.  Their fligt leaves at two so they will be leaving for the airport a couple of hours before that.
In case you don't notice the sunset, they blow conch shells just before sunset

This soup was supposed to have beets in it, but it looked more like pea soup

Gerri' s couscous and eggplant appetizer 

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