Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Saturday, April 6, 2013, Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Gerri was up early and went to the pool area. She came back later to catch up on her internet time, yesterday we paid for the day so we have internet until this afternoon. When Gerri came back from the pool, Neva took her coffee to the pool area. Gerri and I had coffee in the unit while catching up on computer chores.

We decided to go to Pancho's downtown for dinner, so I went by and had the concierge make reservations for 7 PM. This will be the first time we have left the resort to eat.

Looking norh along the beach
It was a little warmer today, I guess because of the cloud cover that came in yesterday afternoon. The waves along the beach were huge again today.

We were in our favorite area around the pool again today. It is at the south end of the pool and has a nice mixture of sun and shade, especially with creative use of the umbrella, The view is also good along the beach in front of the resort, looking both south and north. We met two couples from the Spokane area, Valley Forge to be more exact. We remember the name because that is where our friends Mark and Kim Correll lived.

Gerri went back to the unit early to take advantage of what ever time was left on the internet she purchased last night. Even after I visited with our neighbors at the pool, I still had time to collect e-mail, catch up on Facebook and review video alerts from our security camera at the pool at home. I think it was the wind or construction equipment behind our house. I didn't see anyone in the videos. The pool camera is set on a 20 second delay, movement has to continue for 20 seconds before the camera sends an alert, but it is often set off by wind and movement behind the house. I have a different camera I need to install for the backyard but have to have an electric outlet installed for the camera.

At 6:30 we called a taxi and headed for Pancho's. The meal was excellent as always. After dinner Gerri and Neva walked to the Cabo Coffee company and bought coffee for Montyne. I walked down the street to check on the name of an Italian restaurant that has been recommended to us for several years. The restaurant is Salvatore's and is located at an older hotel, the Siesta Suites. We met back at Pancho's and got a Taxi to the timeshare.

Neva at Pancho's

We didn't get back until 9:30, too late for a game of dominoes. Tonight we have to set our clock forward an hour for daylight saving time.

A great day by the pool topped of by an excellent meal.

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