At 8:30 we got a call from the RV park where we plan to go today. Their question was are we coming. Turns out our reservation was to arrive there yesterday. It turned out to be no problem but it again brings to mind the line by Robert Burns; "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men. Gang aft agley. An' lea's nought but grief an' pain." Fortunately we had no grief or pain. Only a day late and not even a dollar short.
Even with the phone call we didn't hurry to leave. We lingered over our coffee. From my seat I watched both our neighbors hook up their fivers and leave. With only power hooked up, I didn't have to do much outside. Gerri took care of getting the inside ready to travel. After hooking up the Jeep we headed out. We were watching for an easy in easy out service station. We didn't go far before I spotted a Speedway station that fit the bill. Straight into an end pump with room for a u-turn and back out the way we came in. There was a moment of disgust and dismay. There was a grate about 6' away from the pumps, I suppose to drain rain waster from the area. It was about 8" wide and ran all the way around the pump area. Some RV er had dumped sewage into the drain and left a lot of ugly residue around the edges.
Back on the road we had only about 40 miles to go to Sunnyvale. Most of the way was a backtrack toward Dallas, the way we came two days ago. An accident slowed traffic to a crawl before we got to our turn on I-635 After negotiating the ramps and curves we went a short way on I-30 East. The GPS took us off the interstate and onto Barnes Bridge Road, our destination was on this street. The further we went on this road the more concerned we became. It was narrow almost a tree tunnel. There were large estate type houses and we hadn't seen a sign to the RV park. When we reached the point the GPS said was our destination, there was nothing there. We continued, the only encouragement we had was that the address numbers were getting closer to the address we had for the park. Finally I decided to stop and call the park. There was no place to pull off the narrow road, so I used the flashers. Before I could call a Sheriff's patrol car came alongside. The deputy told me the RV park was just ahead on the left.
We arrived, got set up on our site as instructed by a package left at the unmanned office with our name. I filled out the paperwork and dropped it in a slot at the office. I went geocaching. I found six caches, three of them that hadn't been found in the last 6 months. I also found out that if we had exited the interstate two exits further east it was a shorter drive on better roads to the park entrance.

The RV park where we are staying is named Plantation Place. There is an old plantation style house between the park and the road. The house like many in this area are still being repaired after a tornado last year.

While I was out geocaching I also found out there was a large lake at the end of Barnes Bridge Road, Lake Ray Hubbard. I hope to get a better picture, if the sun ever comes out.
For dinner we had more of the tamale dish Gerri made yesterday.
I spent a considerable amount of time on the phone with Verizon. This time they have arbitrarily cancelled our unlimited data plan and charging us overages. This is the second time I have spent time dealing with this problem. I have been assured that once the unlimited plan is reinstated, we will be credited the extra charges. The problem is that we haven't been assured that the plan will be reinstated, only that it will take a week to resolve the issue.
After some reading and TV we were in bed by 11. This was our second day in Texas without rain. Cloudy and no sun, but no rain either.