Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Saturday July 11, 2015 Oceanside, CA

The California and Texas G People
Today my right leg still hurt when I walked.  In spite of that we went to the Carlsbad Inn.  I went as far as Curtis' unit, 109.  Gerri dropped me off as close as we could get and 109 is the closest unit to the patio by Norte.

Some time early in our visit someone mentioned there was an outlet mall nearby.  Dana got excited and convinced Gerri to go shopping with her.

When we got there Jeannette and Wyatt were taking a nap.  Wyatt's hand was still swollen from the bee sting he got yesterday.  Brandon and Vanessa were at the activities center.  The videos are of Vanessa  and Emma dancing with my cane and a hat.

Curtis and I did walk, well I limped, out and sat on the Green for awhile.  After we went back to the unit.  Brandon came in after playing ping pong most of the day and fell asleep in a chair.

One nice picture

One goofy picture

We visited  with different members of the family coming and going.  We did manage to get a picture of all the kids together.  I also got a picture of Vanessa learning to crotchet.  Jeannette gave her lessons on some basic stitches.  The kids all painted Gerri a Carlsbad Inn tote bag and signed it.

Curt grilled some chicken breasts and we had dinner with him, Dana and the kids.

After dinner we visited some more before we went back to the coach to rest my leg.  Curtis and Dana plan to leave for Las Vegas by 9 AM and Todd and Jeannette plan to stop at the RV Park on the way home to Long Beach.

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