Another sunny day in paradise, well Paradise By The Sea RV Resort. I'm still favoring my right leg. I'm hobbling around like a 73 year old. Wait, I am a 73 year old.
We got new neighbors in site 2. A couple in an Airstream trailer. I spoke with them when I was out moving the Jeep to make room for Tim to park behind the coach. Paul is retired from the LA Sheriff's Department. Retired in 2001 after 33 years of service. They now live on Whidbey Island. While we were talking he noticed that the license on my coach was expired.. That prompted a search of my check register, which showed I had paid the renewal in March. That prompted a search of my desk drawer in the m/h. I found the registration and sticker along with the proof of insurance.
I went back out and put the sticker on the license plate. Whew, street legal again. I was talking to Paul at his site when Tim and Beth arrived. Tim came over and I introduced him to Paul. They were both in the Marine Corps, so they hit it off right away. Beth was already inside the coach with Gerri.
Tim and I joined Gerri and Beth in the coach. We had cheese and crackers and cherries as snacks while we visited. We met Tim and Beth Burton on our cruise to Australia and have visited with them in Scottsdale, a couple of times in Oceanside and on our road trip earlier this year when we passed through Phoenix. They are staying in a timeshare at the Wyndam a couple of miles north of the RV Park.
Beth and Tim Burton |
After visiting we drove to Sonny's in San Clemente for dinner. We were pleasantly surprised with light traffic on I-5. We were even more surprised when we found that there was plentiful seating at Sonny's, especially considering it was 6 PM on a Friday. On Tuesday while here with Bill and Arlene we ventured into some new menu items, tonight we stuck with tried and tested Italian meals. Great food with great friends. We were again surprised with light traffic back to Oceanside. Traffic was building up in Oceanside so we exited the freeway one exit before Oceanside Boulevard and took the Coast Highway on to the RV Park.
We were home by 8:30. We will see Tim and Beth again Wednesday when we meet another friend from the cruise for dinner in Dana Point. Bob Genisman now lives in Mission Viejo, we haven't seen him since his wife, Nina, died. They had visited us once in Las Vegas after the cruise.
We caught up on e-mail and Facebook. I know it sounds like we spend a lot of time on the computer. Facebook is how we keep up with family members and friends scattered around the country. I especially enjoy getting pictures of our great grand daughter in Reno.
Because of the slow internet I watch an old John Wayne movie on the Blu-Ray. Gerri went to bed to read. After the movie I read until about midnight before giving up.