Since we didn't have far to go today, we slept in. We left the hotel a little before the check out time of 11am. We were too late for the free breakfast. I did wait in the lobby for a fresh pot of coffee to brew. We took a cup each with us and hit the road for Kyle.
We made a stop for fuel. We also stopped at the CVS in Kyle for large band aids. I had used up most of my supply. I have only found the ones I like at CVS. They are CVS brand and have a gentle adhesive. My skin, especially on my arms have become so thin that regular bandages or tape tears the skin when removed.
We arrived at Curtis and Dana's at about 1. We had lunch with Dana and waited until the kids got out of school.

I got pictures of Brandon and Vanessa as they came through the door. After hugs and kisses all around they had do do their homework. After a little while the kids attention returned to their friends and normal routine.
Curtis got home from a hard day at work at about 5.

It seems today, 4/20, has been made some type of holiday by pot smokers and about half the student population cut classes today. Either to smoke pot or just take advantage of any excuse to cut classes.
Curtis took Brandon to baseball practice at 6:30. We had dinner after they got back. Shortly after that it was showers and bed for the kids. We rented a movie from Vulu, an online rental service. The movie was Gran Torino. A Clint Eastwood movie from a few years ago. It was very graphic in both language and violence. The redemption of the movie was the underlying moral and social messages and commentary.
We went to bed shortly after the movie ended. We have a full day here tomorrow before heading on toward Columbus, Mississippi. We will be back here on May 1st and will have more time to visit over that weekend.