Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013.

We aren't quite alone, one of our distant neighbors
 After our morning coffee and computer time I went to the office and made arrangements for us to be taken to the airport on Tuesday and to be picked up at the dock on October 27.  The shuttle will pick us up at our site and deliver us back there.

Our mail arrived while I was at the office.  Going through that will be a task for later in the day.

I have written before that our area of the park is pretty much unoccupied.  There are other RV units here.  The company plans to sell just under half the lots and retain the rest for rentals.  Many of the owned lots have "Tiki Hut" type shelters, out door kitchens and small storage buildings.  Most of the lots are like the one we are on, a large parking area covered with pavers and surrounded by grass, hedges, and small trees.  Who ever planned the lay out seems to have done a good job maximizing the occupancy and at the same time providing plenty of room and privacy for each site.

In the afternoon I dropped Gerri off at a hair salon.  She got the works, hair cut and coloring, pedicure and manicure.  While she was doing that I went caching.   I found four.

After I picked Gerri up we went to the closest Walgreen Drugs and received our flu shot.  We were the only ones in line, so we weren't there very long.  We continue to go to Walgreen's each year as they have us in their computer which contains all of our information, so we only need to fill out a small portion of paperwork before the shot.  We were surprised we didn't have any co-pays with the latest changes lately.

We then went back to the park and just hung around.  I did go through the mail.  Wendy had weeded out all but the first class mail and there was still a lot of junk.  Out of the whole passel there were only four things that need my attention.

At sunset looking at the clouds lit up in the east
Gerri made dinner using the shrimp we had frozen while at Hilton Head Island.  She pan sauteed them with lime, garlic and butter and cilantro.  Then she served it with the green beans, which she added mushrooms,  and potatoes au gratin left over from last night.

I did get this picture of this evenings sunset.  Unfortunately there are power lines to the west, but that wasn't where the beauty was.  The clouds behind us to the east were the ones lit up.  After dark it rained again.  But, not for long.

After TV and computer time we called it a night at about 12:30.

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