Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Wednesday January 13, 2016 At Sea Between Costa Maya, Mexico and Belize City, Belize

Tuesday the 12th
This was our second day at sea heading for our first port of call, Costa Maya, Mexico.  We ordered coffee in our room and later had lunch in the Horizon Court.  It featured American Lunch.  We spent some time in the library catching up on computer stuff.

I had put in a request for a shout out to geocachers before we left Houston.  The meeting was set up for 3:30 in the Wheel House Bar.  At this meeting we had 12 people.  Half were cachers and the rest were interested in knowing more about it.  The cachers were us and two couples from Louisiana.  We shared information on caches in the upcoming ports.  All the other cachers had been to these ports before.  One cacher, Grand Penguin, planned to replace the missing one in Belize City.

We went to the early show featuring Duncan Tuck.  He was an excellent guitar player and he mixed that with comedy.  All in all, an entertaining show.  We went to our regular dining table.  The couple from DC were not there tonight. 

Before returning to our cabin we stopped in the Explorer’s Lounge and watched a Game called “Majority Rules.”  Back at our cabin we read for a while, I also tried my hand at some more challenging Sudoku puzzles. Our tour on Wednesday doesn’t start until 12:30 so we weren’t in a rush to go to bed.

Wednesday the 13th
We were docked in Costa Mayo by 7 AM.  I decided to go to find a nearby cache before our tour.  I left the ship at about 8:30. Because of information given out at yesterday’s meeting, I knew I had to go a couple of miles to Downtown Mahahual to find it.  There was a shuttle to downtown.

Valley of the ships
From the shuttle it was about a 400’ walk to the cache location.  The cache was in an ammo box at the Tropicante Restaurant.  Both workers and patrons knew where the box was.  I signed the log and took a picture to “discover” a travel bug.  When traveling out of the country I usually don’t pick up a travel bug unless I know it’s goal.  I talked to one of the patrons for a while.  Two of the other cachers on the Caribbean Princess showed up.

I took a taxi back to the port.  It was hot and humid.  I was tired after walking from the port village to the ship.  I called Gerri and asked her to meet me on the pier to go to the meeting place for our tour.  The tour was on an air conditioned bus.  The name of the tour was Mayan Cultural Experience.  Our first stop was a village that had a small Mayan Temple.   Our guide explained the Mayans interest and abilities in astronomy and mathematics.  The construction of this temple was based on the Mayan calendar.  Our next stop was the home of a Mayan family, Limones.  We walked through the area observing how the family lived.  We had a snack of taquitos.  The chicken was prepared in an underground oven similar to what the Hawaiians do.  One of the family members gave a demonstration of how the natives used to extract fiber from different leaves to weave useful items.

It was a 45-minute drive back to the port.  Back on the ship we were hot and tired.  We decided to pass on the dining room and have cheeseburgers on deck 15.  After eating we went to the Princess Theater and watched a show by the ship’s dancers and singers called Do You Wanna Dance.  Before returning to our cabin we watched another trivia game.  This time the theme was Rock and Roll.

Back at the cabin we got ready for bed and either read or worked on Sudoku puzzles until retiring.

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