Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Saturday June 18, 2016 Java Center (Buffalo), NY

This was the quietest Walmart Super-center we have ever stayed at overnight.  We were up at 6 and got started traveling right away,  We wanted to be in Buffalo to visit Jeff and his family as much as possible.  Jeff travels to Austin early Sunday morning on business.

With only 200 miles to drive, we thought we would be at the RV park in Java Center by noon.  The only delay we encountered was at the border crossing and that wasn't bad.  After the wait in line there were only a few routine questions and we were on our way.  While waiting in line we noticed that we were a dollar short in our change from the toll bridge from Michigan into Ontario.

We arrived at the park and got set up.  There is no sewer at the site and after we parked the trees blocked the DirecTV signal.  Of course then we found out the advertised wifi was only at the office and laundry room.  The only problem with no sewer connection was that we are here 3 nights with out dumping and Gerri had planned to do laundry.  There was the option of going to their dump station but that meant unhooking power and water and taking in the rooms or paying $12 to have the tanks pumped on Monday, hardly worth it.  We just changed laundry plans.  Even though the trees blocked the satellite TV we found 11 OTA stations.

After setting up we drove to Jeff's home about 25 miles away.  We visited during the afternoon.  They have a pool and Bryce and Reagan really enjoy it.  Bryce and Reagan like being in and around water so much they washed our Jeep.

For dinner we had tacos.  Their back yard borders a 5 acre parcel that is some type of conservation area and will not be developed, they have a gate that leads into the wooded area.

Since Jeff had to travel and the kid's bedtime was 8, we went pack to the RV park at about 7:30.

Taco time


This RV park is a large area with some wooded areas, some clear areas and small ponds.  The have a pool and an activities building and a laundry room.  There are 180 sites with power and water and another 31 tent sites.  It is a really pretty area and the closest RV park to Jeff's home.

With several days of getting up early we weren't up very long after getting pack to the coach.  Not much was on TV, we read for a short time before calling it a day.

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