This morning I asked the parking staff if I could move up closer to the shuttle stop to accommodate Glenna on her walker.By about 10 o'clock we were moved up three rows, much closer to the shuttle stop.
I took a ride over to the Alliant Center where the seminars, displays and other activities are held. Where we are parked is abiut 4 miles away and the shuttle buses run one after another. I turned in a new locator card.
After getting back to the coach I decided to clean it up. I started with the part in the shade. As it worked out the clouds moved around and I had shade all afternoon.
we passed some time before supper talking to neighbors. We met a couple from Toronto, very nice and interesting people, Dawn and Curtis. The have a 2007 Beaver coach.
Gerri fixed supper and as usual some TV and computer time rounded out the evening. I'm still on Eastern time and went to bed about 10.
We got up at six in order to be at the arena by 7:30to see the Frustrated Maestros perform, we met our friends, Gary and Luverne Underhill there. Luverne sings in the Maestro's chorus. Unfortunately we didn't have a lot of time to visit. Both Gray and Luverne do a lot of volunteering and had meetings to attend.
I hd some items I wanted to pick up from the vendors. Gerri and I went through the vendor area and bought a few items. At 1:30 we went to the Ravoli Review. We have seen Kay and Ron perform at many rallies. Good entertainment.
After we saw all the vendors,Gerri and I drove up town to see the Wisconsin Capitol Building and get some pictures.
. Next to the escalator there was a system to take grocery carts down, The cart locked in and went down level
Back at the coach, Gerri went to bed early. That gave me some computer time.
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