Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

More on May Day

This article is several years old but exlpains the connection of Earth day and May Day.


By Betty Freauf
April 26, 2003
Some may wonder what Earth Day and May Day have to do with watermelons. Well, aren't watermelons green on the outside and red on the inside?
Earth Day, the religion of ecology, came and went with lots of ink in my home town paper. I'm sure it was the same in yours. And the next important watermelon day that the communists observe will be May Day -- May 1st.
The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970 with the blessing of Republican President Nixon and other world leaders. Another Republican, President George W. Bush, Sr., signed an Earth Day Proclamation in 1990. The 1991 Oregon Republican-controlled legislature passed a resolution dedicating April 22nd as an annual Earth Day observance.
April 22, 1970 was the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth and doubtless a kind of signal to the comrades that they could safely participate in a movement not normally associated with communism. Now its called environmentalism.
The symbol of the first Earth Day was a circle with a broken cross, the bars pointing downward. It is a New Age symbol meaning the rejection of Christianity which, of course, aligns with the communist philosophy. It is seen often on bumper stickers today and we saw many of them in recent "anti-war" demonstrations.
Once Christ was no longer allowed in the schools, the spiritual vacuum was filled with the New Age "Gaia" religion. The very ones that yell about "separation of church and state" when it comes to Christianity are the ones that want this Gaia religion in the schools so that the children may be indoctrinated at an early age.
The Earth Day movement began with propagandizing the young. Hundreds of thousands of children and high school students were encouraged by their teachers and national leaders to demonstrate on the streets on the first Earth Day which subsequently became a kind of annual holiday before official recognition.
On Earth Day, students from coast to coast celebrate their spiritual connection to Mother Earth. The aim is to persuade students to reject Western culture and become advocates for new global beliefs and values which includes selective population reduction using abortion, homosexuality and a plethora of medical diseases.
The "separation of church and state" is in the U.S.S.R. constitution, not the U.S. constitution which simply says there shall be no designated state religion.
Our local 4/21/2003 paper offered tips for Earth Day. Yours probably published them too. This "celebration" is well orchestrated as are all communist functions. Locally, the school kids were given free city bus passes to encourage them to leave their cars at home. These watermelons want us to give up our cars and use tax-subsidized mass transit even though mass transit cannot always get us to our destinations.
Some of these groups include Earth First. According to Inside Edition (T.V.) on 7/27/1990, a former U.S. Forest Service Employee was its founder. Others like the radical Earth Liberation Front are credited for burning down ski resorts and torching an automobile distributorship in Oregon. They sit in trees. These environmentalists sabotage expensive timber equipment. Logging companies have filed lawsuits against members; however, most of the defendants purposely have no jobs and could not possibly pay the damage awards but they have the cost of $100 to attend an Boot Camps where the tree huggers learn their tactics. Is it reasonable to believe they get paid by someone but it doesn't show up in their income tax? They've literally devastated our timber and salmon industries with the "Endangered Species Act". Then we have "Friends of the Earth" and I'm sure your state has some "Friends of Something" as we do in Oregon. With friends like these, Oregon doesn't need enemies because our state has the highest unemployment rate of all states.
These environmental groups tie up land owners in court who wish to develop their land costing untold court costs and attorney fees wearing the land owner down until he/she is willing to sell at a sacrificed price to get out from under the pressure. Now that they have much of the land in Western United States tied up, I've noticed they are beginning to focus on water quality.
The Nature Conservancy makes a practice of buying private land and then selling it to the federal government at substantial mark up.

© 2003 Betty Freauf - All Rights Reserved

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