Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Friday, April 8, 2016

April 4, 5, 6 and 7, 2016 Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico

Monday April 4, 2016

Well I could just say ditto yesterday but that wouldn't be correct.  We tuned into worship service from Oakey Boulevard yesterday.  That was really one more activity than we did today.  It was a normal morning of reading before going to the pool area.  Although it wasn't crowded neither of us won a Loteria game.  We did meet some people from the Atlanta area.  Turns out they are in the same building we are in.

After Gerri went back to our unit, I stayed at the pool for awhile and then walked toward the north end of the property.  I took some pictures of the emptying beach.

Our supper tonight was the rest of our leftovers from Salvatore's, plus we cleaned up the beef and bean dish from a few nights ago.  We had an interesting if not spectacular sunset.  It changed colors a couple of times as the sun sank over the horizon. My pictures don't do justice to the change from the bright gold to the gold and red,  Obviously I am not an artist like our Creator.

Tuesday April 5, 2016

Today was overcast with very little breeze.  It was also warmer and more humid than the past few days.  The Loteria games resulted in one win for Gerri.  We talked to the people we met from Georgia and another two ladies that were sitting next to us by the pool.  Conversations here always seem to get to favorite places to eat.  I should make a data base for them, because we seldom remember the names until they have been recommended several times.

Because of the time change the owners welcome party wasn't until 6 PM.  Today they featured Chicken Empanadas and BBQ Ribs.  We had a repeat of our not winning any of the door prizes.

The food at the party was our supper and we finished off the evening with reading and computer activities.

Wednesday April 6, 2016

The sky was overcast all day.  Even without the sun it was a warm day.  A normal morning and afternoon for us.  We had our coffee and then went to the pool area.  Gerri won one Loteria game.  We talked to some of the other guests, read and worked on Sudoku puzzles until about 5.

We sat on the balcony for awhile before Gerri prepared dinner.  We have noticed a Saguaro Cactus on the street behind our unit.  It has a hole near the top and occasionally a pair of birds will go in and out. Between the overcast, the fading light and the birds' quickness we haven't been able to get a picture.

Stay tuned for birds

Tonight Gerri made a beef and rice dish with sauteed peppers and onions for dinner.  Reading took us to bed time.  I finished reading Tom Keller's 2nd and 3rd book.  Tom is a retired Sergeant from Metro that I have known for a number of years.

Thursday April 7, 2016

Today was overcast.  In the early afternoon there were sprinkles, just a few spots on the ground.  There were also a lot of black clouds to the north over the Gulf.

Gerri won another Loteria game.  That brings her total to 7 and I have won five.

Tonight we had dinner at Pitahayas,  This is an exclusive restaurant here at the resort.  It features Pacific rim fusion.  As entrees we both had grilled red snapper.  Gerri had a bowl of cream of cilantro soup and I had seafood tortilla soup.  Although the meal was good, neither of us thought it compared to Savatore's.  The good thing was that we had coupons for the meal and it only cost us a little more than the coupons were worth plus tips.

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