Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Friday, September 19, 2014

Thursday September 18, 2014 Lahaina, Maui, HI

Koi Pond
Several phone calls woke me up,  People calling from the mainland at what should have been a good time, with the time difference it was early for us.  I made our coffee and returned the calls that needed attention.  One call was from my primary physician.  Pretty scary to get a call from your doctor, but the nurse just wanted to check on phone number of the CVS Pharmacy and a couple of the dosages.  That brings me to the CVS call. Since we have been dealing with CVS I have been trying to have them not fill prescriptions until I call them.  We are trying again to only have them remind me that prescriptions are eligible to be filled.  The other calls related to my Jeep which is at Sahara Jeep for repairs.  The repairs were delayed waiting for parts.  Montyne will pick it up and bring it to the house on Friday afternoon.
Water lilies in bloom

Gerri went out and sat on a lounge chair in the sun near the ocean. I went to the office and asked for beach towels.  They said we weren't guests of the Papakea Resort.  Apparently all of the units here are not managed by the resort, they are managed through Vacation International, who we had reserved through. They gave me the number to call.  I called and ask that beach towels be delivered.

I then joined Gerri at the beach and sat near her in the shade.  After we had enough sun we returned to the unit,  I then walked to the ABC store and bought a coupe of hats with wide brims to protect my ears and neck ( I was already lathered up with SPF 50.)  The ABC store is a short walk.

Nearing sunset time we decided the sunset was going to be pretty much the same as yesterday.  We didn't set out to to watch it.  I did walk about a half mile to the Ka'anapali Beach Resort.  I was told it was two doors down, they are big doors.  My purpose there was to find out if owners had day use privileges while staying else where.  I was told no.  I guess that an e-mail suggestion is in order to Steve Cloobeck who is the CEO of Diamond International.  We have day use privileges at other time shares such as the Carlsbad Inn where we are owners.
Panorama looking northwest

I walked back to the Papakea in the dark being very careful where there was no paved walk.

We had the chicken wraps again for dinner.  I finished off the shrimp that we had bought at Costco.  Before bed I read in another Inspector Rostnikov novel and caught up on computer stuff, e-mail and Facebook.  Gerri frantically hunted eggs trying to maintain her lead as number one in the world.

We were in bed by 10.

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