Following the Barkers

Following the Barkers

Thursday, November 12, 2009

From Spring Branch, Texas.
This morning I puttered around on the computer. I went with Paul to his Kiwanis Club meeting With Paul and a friend, Clay Blanton. On the drive to the meeting we learned that Clay retired form a high position with Caterpillar Equipment. I ask him if had known Jim Cashman who ran the Caterpillar Equipment in Las Vegas. What a small world to find a stranger in the middle of Texas with common acquaintances. I phrased the question as had known because Jim died several years ago with a sudden heart attack.
We had a good lunch at the club meeting. The restaurant, Anchor’s Landing is on the opposite side of Canyon Lake in Startzville. The speakers included a group of young ladies from Canyon Lake High School who were part a group at the school involved in community service. The two ladies that spoke were very impressive. After the meeting Paul showed Clay around his place and I gave him the nickel tour of our coach before driving him home.
While we were at the meeting Gerri had left on an errand to Walgreen’s to pick up prescriptions. The closest Walgreen’s is about forty miles away. She got back and I ask if all my prescription came in. With a surprised look she admitted that she had picked up her and my Mom’s but forgot about mine. So it was back to Walgreen’s. The trip took longer this time, she got stuck in rush hour traffic coming out of San Antonio on S-281.
Before supper Paul demonstrated his potato gun off their back porch. The potato gun is basically a long piece of PVC for a barrel, a larger PVC combustion chamber with a screw on cap and an igniter from a BBQ grill. The potato is forced down the barrel, then he uses a shot of aerosol carburetor cleaner in the combustion chamber, screws the cap, aims and ignites. The piece of potato goes about a hundred yard if everything is timed right. Then the potato becomes deer food.
Paul and Ann prepared a spaghetti dinner for my birthday. Does anyone remember an old antacid where the guy says, “Thatsa some a spicy a meatball?” These were spicy but just right.
I got a lot of calls today from friends and family with happy birthday wishes. I could believe how many of my ”friends” from Facebook sent me greetings. A fine day except for the reminder that I am advancing into old age. By the way, I have pushed the threshold of what constitute old age further up the age scale.

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