Today is moving day for us and going home day for Neva. We all packed up, Neva completely and Gerri and I for the move to another unit, Our first two weeks here were in a two bedroom unit, the next two weeks will be in a studio unit.
At a little after ten I went to the office and checked out and into the new unit.. It was then back to the room to wait for the call that the new room was ready. The call came at about 1 PM. One of the bellmen came and moved our belongings to the new unit. Neva's bags were taken to the office. Her shuttle to the airport was scheduled at 2:20. Neva came to the new unit with us and took many pictures of the outside including birds around the balcony.
At a little before two we headed for the pool area. I said goodbye to Neva while Gerri went ahead and found us seats. I sat at the table near the activity center. Gerri went to wait with her mom for the shuttle for the airport. Gerri missed the first Loteria game. We didn't win any of the four games.
At 3:45 I took a taxi to the Cabo Wabo restaurant in downtown Cabo San Lucas for a geocaching greet and meet, The organizer of the event was a cacher named Sasq-ache, Mikey Whitefeet from central California. He and his wife are on a Mexican Riviera cruise on Carnival Cruise Lines to celebrate his 50th birthday. GeoNavPros, Karin and Derek from BC also came to the event. We had a lively talk about caching and our experiences. The Whitefeets had to be back on their ship at 7, so the meeting broke up after about hour and a half.
After the meet and greet, Derek and Karin took me by a nearby cache and then back to the Hacienda Del Mar. They have set a goal of a cache a day for 1000 days, they are on day 600 something. They have also set up meet and greets in San Jose Del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas on Friday and Saturday, that I plan to attend.
Back at our room we had a dinner of the left over chicken enchiladas from a few days ago.
The sunset was unspectacular and our photographer had gone home.
Tuesday March 29, 2016
It was an overcast day. We had our coffee as usual and went to the pool area in time for the Loteria Game. I won one today.
We attended the Owner's Welcome Party at 5. Tonight the main dishes were pork tacos pastor and chicken wings. Of course they had the usual chips and dips.
Back at our unit at a little past 6 we were in for the night. Some reading, Sudoku puzzles, TV and computer time ended the day.
Wednesday March 30, 2016
There was some blue showing through the overcast today and a lot of mare's tail clouds. As usual we started our morning with coffee and reading and then moved to the pool area for the afternoon Loteria game. Neither of us won any games today.
The clouds had pretty much cleared away by late afternoon. Back at our unit it was a routine evening. Gerri made a tuna casserole. Maybe casserole is the wrong word, we have no oven for baking. It was delicious and satisfying.
We are going to try to remember to take pictures with out iPads or our phones. Gerri didn't bring her camera and Neva's went home with hers.
Some small bad news from home, the electric trap in the attic caught anther large rat. With the one in one of the outside that makes three rats dead. Truely Nolan will have to check their work on sealing the attic against rat intrusion. At least there are no more pipes in the attic for them to damage.
Thursday March 31, 2016
Not cloudy this morning, but a little windy instead. It was our typical morning before going to the pool area. Neither of us won any Loteria games. Gerri read and worked om Sudoku puzzles.
I read most of the time until my iPad went dead. The falconer was there again today. Gerri got a few pictures of what the handler said was a three year old Harris Eagle.
We split a cheese burger and fries for a late lunch. Gerri left the pool area before five. She planned to do some wash. I stopped by the laundry and was just in time to help load the dryer.
We had left over tuna casserole for dinner, The rest of the evening was our usual routine of reading, TV and Sudoku puzzles.