We were up at about 8. We had our coffee and bran muffins. Todd Wyatt and I played more Uno while Gerri got our things packed
We left Todd and Jeannette's at about 10 AM after saying our goodbyes. We were slowed by a traffic accident before getting too far and slowed again at the merge of I-15 and I-215.
We stopped for fuel in Victorville and were home by 3 PM.
It was really a great trip. We enjoyed the two cruises and the people we met on them. It was great visit with Todd and his family. We have quite a bit to do before our next trip later in December. That trip will also include two cruises, this time to new territory in the eastern Caribbean.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Thursday November 26, 2015 Long Beach, CA
We got up about 7:30 when we heard the kids stirring. Jeannette made scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Off and on during the day Todd, Wyatt and I played games of UNO. Emma doesn't play games preferring to read.
Emma and Wyatt baked an assortment of cookies and muffins during the morning. Later everyone had jobs preparing the Thanksgiving day meal. Wyatt made the salad and Emma baked biscuits and rolls.
We had a great meal in the early evening. It is great visiting family. Although they are scattered out we think of and are grateful for our children and grand children. It is great to visit them, but would be nice if we could all get together for holidays.
More UNo took up most of the rest of the evening. We were all in bed by 10:30.
Off and on during the day Todd, Wyatt and I played games of UNO. Emma doesn't play games preferring to read.
Emma and Wyatt baked an assortment of cookies and muffins during the morning. Later everyone had jobs preparing the Thanksgiving day meal. Wyatt made the salad and Emma baked biscuits and rolls.
Wyatt, Jeannette, Todd and Emma Barker |
More UNo took up most of the rest of the evening. We were all in bed by 10:30.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday November 25, 2015 Long Beach, CA
By the time we got up we were in port and moored at the dock in San Pedro. We got the rest of our belongings together and headed to our assigned meeting place for disembarkation by 9:50. There was no wait either to get off the ship or for customs and immigration. We breezed through and got a porter to pick up our bags and take us to the pickup area for the van to the Doubletree. At the Doubletree we transferred our luggage to our car. The drive to Long Beach wasn't very long and we were at Todd and Jeannette's by 11 AM.
Todd and the kids greeted us and we got everything we needed inside. Jeannette was working. We visited with the kids and Todd. Wyatt made me a duct tape wallet complete with ID. Emma drew a Thanksgiving poster.

After Jeannette got home, Todd and I went to Home Depot and picked up two screen doors that Todd had ordered. While we were gone Jeannette picked up pizza for supper.
Todd, Gerri, Wyatt and I played two games of Kill on the board Todd had made when he was in high school. There was a mistake in the holes in the center of the board so Todd had written some slightly different rules to accommodate the mistake. Todd won the 1st game and Gerri the 2nd game.
Before bed we watched a movie, Mall Cop II. Very funny. After bed time Gerri and I caught up on computer chores and read until we retired for the night.
Todd and the kids greeted us and we got everything we needed inside. Jeannette was working. We visited with the kids and Todd. Wyatt made me a duct tape wallet complete with ID. Emma drew a Thanksgiving poster.
After Jeannette got home, Todd and I went to Home Depot and picked up two screen doors that Todd had ordered. While we were gone Jeannette picked up pizza for supper.
Before bed we watched a movie, Mall Cop II. Very funny. After bed time Gerri and I caught up on computer chores and read until we retired for the night.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Tuesday November 24, 2015 At Sea Between Cabo San Lucas,MX and Los Angeles, CA
Our last day at sea. We had our coffee and breakfast in our cabin. We didn't venture out until afternoon. We went to the pool area and had grilled hot dogs for lunch. As we were eating, we noticed clouds drifting by. Turns out we went into a fog bank. Visibility was limited and the air got quite chilly. The ship sounded the fog horns several times.
We went to deck 7 and watched the Carpet Bowling. We didn't participate. The game is similar to Bocce Ball but with weighted balls. Between the weights and small movements of the ship the balls don't always go where the player intends.
In the late afternoon we went to our cabin and Gerri got most of our things packed up for disembarkation. We needed to have the bags out before 9 PM. At about 5:30 we went to the Skywalker for the daily hors d'oeuvres. Today's feature was the shrimp fountain and there were more people there. Bob and Gloria joined us. When they closed down the hors d'oeuvres we stopped by their suite for a tour. They had two rooms and the bath had a large shower and a jacuzzi tub. Very nice, someday we may splurge and book a suite,
Back at our cabin we finished packing both our large bags. We had sent our laundry out on Monday and it came back. Gerri got a great sunset picture before we put the bags out and headed for the dining room.
Our entire table was there. Today was Audrey's birthday so she got a cake and the wait staff sang Happy Birthday. After saying our goodbyes we went by Crooner's Lounge. We listened to the piano player for a while.
Back at our cabin we did some sudoku puzzles before retiring.
We went to deck 7 and watched the Carpet Bowling. We didn't participate. The game is similar to Bocce Ball but with weighted balls. Between the weights and small movements of the ship the balls don't always go where the player intends.
In the late afternoon we went to our cabin and Gerri got most of our things packed up for disembarkation. We needed to have the bags out before 9 PM. At about 5:30 we went to the Skywalker for the daily hors d'oeuvres. Today's feature was the shrimp fountain and there were more people there. Bob and Gloria joined us. When they closed down the hors d'oeuvres we stopped by their suite for a tour. They had two rooms and the bath had a large shower and a jacuzzi tub. Very nice, someday we may splurge and book a suite,
Back at our cabin we did some sudoku puzzles before retiring.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Monday November 23, 2015 At Sea Between Cabo San Lucas, MX and Los Angeles, CA
End of Land |
other ports we have visited, we stayed overnight at Cabo San Lucas. We had our coffee and juice with the skyline
of the Cabo San Lucas visible outside our cabin.
La Finistera on the Pacific coast |
Later, we had lunch on the Lido deck,
cheeseburgers and fries. A SOB cruise
ship (Carnival) came into the harbor and anchored outside our ship. We sat in the pool area and listened to the
band that was playing during the sail away.
The sail away was about 45 minutes late.
Downtown Cabo on the right |
Looking north |
Still looking north |
Parasailers near the ship |
the sail away we went to the Piazza and watched horse races. The game is played on a grid with 6 wooden
horses. They are moved by volunteer jockeys
at the roll of three dice. Each time the
number of a horse is rolled the horse moves forward of one space. The audience is encouraged to bet on their favorite
horse. Odds are calculated and winners
paid accordingly. We didn’t bet so naturally
we didn’t win. We just enjoyed the
spent most of the rest of the afternoon in our cabin reading and doing Sudoku
puzzles. The sunset was obscured by
heavy clouds. There wasn’t a gathering
of Platinum and Elite passengers today at 5.
Instead there was a Captain’s Circle party at 7 PM. They introduced the top three traveled
passengers on the cruise and gave them prizes.
There was also a drawing of door prizes for the remaining guests. We didn’t win.
of our table mates were present for dinner.
We all recanted our day’s experiences ashore. Only the young couple Brandon and Samantha
did an organized activity. They went
SCUBA diving. We all had tender problems
and delays from the day before.
dinner we went to the Princess Theater and saw Ferrell Dillon and his magic
show. That was the end of our
evening. Tonight we move our clocks back
an hour to the same time as Los Angeles.
We need the extra hour sleep.
Monday, November 23, 2015
Sunday November 22, 2015 Cabo San Lucas, BCS, Mexico
Los Arcos |
Before retiring last night I set an alarm for 5:30
AM. Gerri wanted to get a sunrise
picture. She got up with the alarm and went
on to the balcony. Unfortunately the
ships direction of travel put the sunrise ahead of us and the pictures weren’t
what she had hoped for.
Sunday Sunrise |
The end of Baja California |
We went to sleep for a while longer after the sunrise
photo session. When we looked out again
we could see the rugged coast line of Baja California, but had no idea exactly
where we were. We ordered our coffee and
Rounding the end of land |
At about 11 the end of land
at the tip of Baja California came into view.
We could see the resorts and homes on the Pacific Ocean side of
The Grand Princess |
A panorama from our mooring |
As we sailed into the bay we got a
good view of Cabo’s signature “Los Arcos.”
There we two other cruise ships already in port. The Grand Princess was there along with an
SOB (Some Other Brand.) Since this port
requires tenders, our ship moored outside the other two. That left a long distance for the tenders to
take us ashore.
waited to go to the tender queue up area, knowing that passengers with shore
excursions would be taken ashore first.
We left our cabin at 2:30 to go ashore.
On the way to the elevator we met people that were taking food to family
members already in the tender line. When
we got to the Piazza the line for tender tickets was outside the waiting area
and around the Piazza. The scuttle butt
was that the wait was about 3 hours.
This wait was attributed to the distance to the dock, and the heavy
traffic in the harbor making a lot of waves.
Since our only plan was to have dinner at Solomon’s Landing, we weren’t
in a hurry to get ashore.
spent some time in the Wheelhouse Lounge.
Before checking the tender line again, I went to the customer service
desk and exchanged Gerri’s cruse card.
Her card had become de-magnetized.
After getting some things from the room she met me at the tender check
in area. When we went to check in we
were told that Elite passengers board directly, bypassing the ticket system. DOH, another perk we had forgotten about.
the time we finished eating it was dark.
In spite of my record of not finding many caches at night, we decided to
try to find the nearest one. It was .4
miles away and had been last found on the 3rd. The cache was off the main street and we were
surprised at how little foot traffic there was, considering there were 3 cruise
ships in the harbor. We found what was
described on the cache page, but had no luck finding the cache. The walk back seemed longer. Well it was further by the distance to the
tender dock.
queue for the tender was very long. We
took advantage of our Elite status to cut the line and board the tender without
waiting. The trip back to the ship wasn’t
as rough as the trip in. Both the other
ships had already left the harbor. We
were back on the ship at about 8:40. At
9:15 we went to the Explorer Lounge to watch the Liars Club.
called it a night at about 11 PM. I read
until about midnight.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Saturday November 21, 2015 At Sea Between Los Angeles, CA and Cabo San Lucas, CS, BMX
slept in this morning and with the time change it was really late when we got
up and around. We had our coffee and
juice in the cabin and later went for the British Pub lunch in the Crown
Grill. We both had the fish and
chips. They were most unsatisfactory,
the breading was soggy and the food was barley warm. One waitress said the breading was always
soggy another said it was because we came near the end of the serving time.
about 5:45 we went to the Skywalker for hors d’oeuvres, today’s feature was
Steak Tartar, we passed on that. We did
sit with Bob and Gloria who we had met before.
We had planned to go to the Vista Lounge to see a magician at 7. We talked to Bob and Gloria until about 7:20
and then went and saw the end of the show.
was at our regular time. All our table
mates were present. We didn’t go to the
main show tonight. We did stop by
Crooners but the piano player was on a break.
We went to our cabin and retired about 11.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Thursday November 19, 2015 At Sea Between Ensenada, MX and Los Angeles, CA
Carnival Inspiration also in port |
were in port at Ensenada when we woke up.
There was a haze over much of the southern part of the city. We ordered our coffee and breakfast from room
service. We lingered over our coffee.
Welcome to Ensenada |
decided to stay on board and hang out around the pool area. I went ashore to hunt a cache. The closest cache was .3 mile away an earthcache,
like I said before any port in a storm.
In this case any cache will do.
After I got the information required for the earthcache, I decided to
walk the .2 miles to the next closest traditional cache. I got near the cache and found it was very
crowded. There was a display and
bleachers set up for an off road race. There
were people and vehicles everywhere. GZ
was in the crowd, so I didn’t even try for the cache.
Looking aft |
met Gerri in the pool area. She had
already eaten a pizza slice. She got me
two slices, one plain cheese and one Mexican style. The jalapenos on the Mexican pizza were so
hot I was glad to have the cheese pizza to go with them. Gerri went up to the sun deck, 15, and I
walked around the ship hoping to get some pictures. I didn’t have much
luck. The haze, probably dust from the races,
had dissipated but the sun direction was wrong for good pictures of the city.
City view, kinda south |
City view with marina |
returned to our cabin and got cleaned up before going to the Skywalker Lounge
for the daily hors d’oeuvres. The
feature today was one of my favorites, herb marinated goat cheese with rosemary
flatbread. They also had tomato bruschetta.
went the Vista Lounge and saw a floor show, Words and music. When we have gone to these shows in the Vista
Lounge we have sat at some table near the entrance. That puts us pretty far back from the
performers but has the added attraction of watching other people sitting in the
area shooing away late comers who block the view of the stage.
had dinner at our regular time. Our
table was full again. Gerri and I had
the mussels as an entrée. They weren’t
served in a broth like we are used to.
It wasn’t a large portion but since we had pizza earlier and then hors d’oeuvres
we were satisfied. Of course we had dessert,
me New York Cheese cake and Gerri Apple Pie with vanilla ice cream.
dinner we went to the Princess Theater and watched a juggling act by David
Aiken. When we got to our cabin we had
mail that informed us that when we arrive in LA we have to go through customs
and re board the ship. There went our
plans of sleeping in.
we were in the Skywalker for hors d’oeuvres the ship sailed out of the
harbor. Goodbye Ensenada, next stop LA
and our next cruise. The 4 day cruise
didn’t allow time for some of the activities we are used to. Like the captain’s meeting with the Captain’s
Circle members and our shout out for other geocachers. We will soon see what a 5 day cruise entails.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Wednesday November 18, 2015 At Sea Between Avalon, CA and Ensenada, MX
slept in this morning and didn’t order our breakfast or coffee from room
service. Instead we opted to go to the International
Café for soup and sandwiches. Gerri had
a tuna sandwich and I had a Cuban Press with a bowl of Albondigas soup. The soup was good, but somehow they missed
the meatballs when they scooped it.
resting for awhile we went to the Skywalker for the hors d’oeuvres. The feature today was smoked salmon and toast
tips. We stayed at the Skywalker until about
6:30. Gerri went to the art gallery to
pick out a frame for what she had bought at the auction. I went to the Vista Lounge to get us seats
for another performance by the comedian Miguel Washington.
at our cabin we were in bed by before 11:30.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Tuesday November 17, 2015 At Sea Between Santa Catalina Island and Ensenada, Mexico
We got up around 8:30 and ordered our coffee and
breakfast from room service. While we
had our coffee I caught upon computer stuff.
We were anchored off Catalina Island so our MiFi worked. Tomorrow we
will have to use the ship’s internet.
I opted to take the tender to Avalon and see if I could find some geocaches. The weather was cool but comfortable. I had downloaded 10 caches near the harbor at Avalon.
After reading the information I narrowed my choices down to one earthcache. I had to walk from the landing area over to
and out onto the pier. Most of the
information to claim the find was in the lengthy description of the cache. I don’t care for earthcaches, I prefer the no
longer allowed virtual caches. They
required an answer to a question and or a picture. The typical earthcache asks 4-5 questions and
often requires some speculation.
The attached pictures are scenes from around the waterfront in Avalon.
went back on aboard at about 3 PM and met Gerri by the pool where there was no
breeze and the temperatures were warmer.
We watched half of a movie, The Sound of Music. We split a slice of pizza. Later we went to the Skywalker for the daily
hors d’oeuvres. Today they featured
steak tartar. Of course there were the
usual variety of cheeses and vegetables.
We sat with a couple that we sat with during the Muster drill.
ship started moving about 6. They seemed
to be having trouble getting the anchor loose.
Of course with over 200’ of chain out that took a while.
7 we went to the Vista Lounge and watched a Motown show before going to
dinner. We went to our regular dinner
seat. All three couples were present. After dinner we went to the Princes Theater
and saw a comedian, Miguel Washington.
was a good day. It was smooth sailing, some
sun, a geocache, great scenery at Catalina, good food and entertainment. We were in bed by 11 to be ready for our only
day at sea on this cruise.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Monday November 16,2015 At Sea Between Los Angeles and Avalon, CA
We started our day at the Doubletree making coffee in our room. We caught upon computer chores and then started getting ready for the shuttle to the ship. The shuttle runs on the hour. We chose the 11 o'clock, since boarding time was noon. We met a couple from Prescott, AZ in the waiting area, Jan and Kathleen. Starting with our next cruise we will board from the Elite area with the first groups of passengers.
As it was we were in the 4th group called and were in our room before 12:30PM. This is our first booking on the Lido Deck,14. We beat our luggage to the room so we decided to have lunch in the Horizon Court. Already being on the Lido deck we only had to walk aft. At lunch we sat with a couple from Los Angeles, Bobbie and Ivan. When we got to the buffet there was no line, by the time we finished eating the line was out the doors. Back at our cabin our luggage had arrived and we got everything put away and in a semblance of order. The first picture is looking forward from our balcony, the other is the movie area by the ship's main pool.
At 3:30 we went to our muster station in the Crown Grill. This was our first inkling of the disadvantage of being on deck 14. The Crown Grill was on deck 7. After the muster drill it was very difficult to get an elevator back to the Lido deck.
Today's hors d'oeuvres featured guacamole and chips. Their guacamole has never been our favorite, but we went anyway. We sat with two ladies from the Palm Springs area, and had an interesting chat. We always enjoy these chance meetings and sometimes they become lasting friendships. The Hor d'oeuvres were served in the Skywalker Lounge and is limited to loyalty levels Platinum and Elite and those passengers in Suites. The Skywalker is on deck 18 at the rear of the ship. Another strike against a forward cabin.
After hors d'oeuvres we visited the Piazza. Gerri went to the room to freshen up for dinner. I made my way to the Amalfi Dining room, on deck six all the way aft. We chose the second seating, 7:45. We were seated at a table for six, but only one other couple was seated with us. Supper was very good, I had prime rib and Gerri had a fish plate. After dinner we went to listen to the piano player at Crooners. He played a few songs and then it was his time to take a break, so we went back to our cabin.
Back at the cabin we read for a while before calling it a night. Catalina (Avalon) is our next stop.
As it was we were in the 4th group called and were in our room before 12:30PM. This is our first booking on the Lido Deck,14. We beat our luggage to the room so we decided to have lunch in the Horizon Court. Already being on the Lido deck we only had to walk aft. At lunch we sat with a couple from Los Angeles, Bobbie and Ivan. When we got to the buffet there was no line, by the time we finished eating the line was out the doors. Back at our cabin our luggage had arrived and we got everything put away and in a semblance of order. The first picture is looking forward from our balcony, the other is the movie area by the ship's main pool.
At 3:30 we went to our muster station in the Crown Grill. This was our first inkling of the disadvantage of being on deck 14. The Crown Grill was on deck 7. After the muster drill it was very difficult to get an elevator back to the Lido deck.
Today's hors d'oeuvres featured guacamole and chips. Their guacamole has never been our favorite, but we went anyway. We sat with two ladies from the Palm Springs area, and had an interesting chat. We always enjoy these chance meetings and sometimes they become lasting friendships. The Hor d'oeuvres were served in the Skywalker Lounge and is limited to loyalty levels Platinum and Elite and those passengers in Suites. The Skywalker is on deck 18 at the rear of the ship. Another strike against a forward cabin.
After hors d'oeuvres we visited the Piazza. Gerri went to the room to freshen up for dinner. I made my way to the Amalfi Dining room, on deck six all the way aft. We chose the second seating, 7:45. We were seated at a table for six, but only one other couple was seated with us. Supper was very good, I had prime rib and Gerri had a fish plate. After dinner we went to listen to the piano player at Crooners. He played a few songs and then it was his time to take a break, so we went back to our cabin.
Back at the cabin we read for a while before calling it a night. Catalina (Avalon) is our next stop.
Monday, November 16, 2015
Sunday November 15, 2015 San Pedro, CA
I had the alarm set for 6 AM. Our plan was to leave at 9 and drive to the Port of Los Angeles at San Pedro. We started our coffee while getting our last minute items packed and then loaded into the car. We were on the road by 9, but had to stop at Sam's for gasoline.
We stopped for lunch and fuel at the Costco store in Victorville. Traffic was backed up when we started down from Cajon Pass and we ran into rain after passing the Glen Helen area. Traffic backed up again on I-10 because of an accident and was slow again when we reached the 605 because of another accident.
We were checked into the Doubletree Hotel by 3:00. A little after 4pm I went out to try to find a cache that was at the end of the hotel parking lot. The cache hadn't been found since October 13 and had a did not find logged on November 12. I looked anyway, but had no luck. There are a couple of caches near the cruise ship terminal but that is a couple of miles away. I may try them when we are back in port next week between our cruises. When we passed the terminal there were two ships docked there, one Princess and some other brand, NCL. This picture was taken from our room, looking out over the marina. There must be thousands of boats in the marina. It makes me wonder how many of them ever leave the marina.
After I returned to the room we went to the hotel dining room and had Fish and Chips. While at dinner we saw a cruise ship leaving the harbor. It wasn't the princess liner we had seen earlier.
We returned to our room and were in for the night.
We stopped for lunch and fuel at the Costco store in Victorville. Traffic was backed up when we started down from Cajon Pass and we ran into rain after passing the Glen Helen area. Traffic backed up again on I-10 because of an accident and was slow again when we reached the 605 because of another accident.

After I returned to the room we went to the hotel dining room and had Fish and Chips. While at dinner we saw a cruise ship leaving the harbor. It wasn't the princess liner we had seen earlier.
We returned to our room and were in for the night.
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