We went to Sam's Club in San Marcos after dropping off a prescription for Gerri at a CVS in Kyle.. Gerri wanted to pickup some items that were on sale on black Friday. I had a new Sam's Membership card made to replace the one stolen with my billfold in Spain. I put gasoline in the Jeep once I got the new card. Gerri dropped me off at Best Buy to make a return while she went to Dollar Tree to get some gift bags. Black Friday has a reputation of being a hectic day to shop. It wasn't bad in the places we went. Although there were two bus loads of shoppers from Mexico being picked up in the parking lot. They may have bought everything Ross, Dress for Less had.
The traffic going back to Kyle wasn't too bad. Back at Curtis and Dana's we had turkey sandwiches for lunch. After lunch I went geocaching. I found four and DNFed three. After caching I stopped by the Crestview office and found out no work had been done on the coach today. We only have three more working days before heading to Las Vegas, I hope they get something done during those three days.
Dana and Curtis had put up outside lights, a Christmas tree and had presents wrapped under the tree. Brandon and Vanessa both have trees in their rooms plus the one in the living room. Christmas holds a special fascination for children. Brandon and Vanessa are no different. Although Dana and Curtis don't strictly observe any religious belief they observe both Curtis' Christian upbringing and Dana's Jewish heritage.
We said our goodbyes at the restaurant and went directly to the RV Park.
Tomorrow I plan to go geocaching with Brandon. I have made up a cache to hide near his house so he can keep track of how many people visit it.