Saturday, October 31, 2009
Oct. 31, 2009
Back to cousin Lawanna’s for family time. Some of the family had gone to the renaissance fair. Gerri , I, Glenna, Curtis Ford and Lawanna played a game new to us. Curtis had a lesspolite name for Revenge. It’s an easy to learn fast game. Everyone starts with three coins, your choice of denomination. A card is dealt to each player, in turn all players but the dealer can trade cards with tier neighbor on the left. The dealer is the last player and turns his card over, the dealer then has the choice of playing the card he has or drawing the next one off the deck. The player with the lowest card puts a coin in the pot. The last player with a coin or coins wins the pot. As ech player runs out of coins they are sang out of the game; nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey goodbye.
After Lael, another cousin Lael Miler, Gloria Ford and two co-workers of Lael’s got home from the fair we played some more Revenge and other card games.
Mark suggested we grill burgers and hotdogs instead of going out for supper. That idea was approved and he went to the store. By this time Karla Shuler and Lael’s son Matthew and his girlfriend had joined the group.
We had excellent hamburgers and hotdogs fixed as you like them, fixed by yourself afte Mark grilled them. Sides of beans and chili were also available.
We went back to the park at about 7:30 PM. Glenna is going with Curtis and Gloria back to Corpus Christi in the morning. So had to get her things together and be up in time to get her back to Spring by 9 AM.
Oct. 30, 2009
More rain during the dark hours but it quit not long after 9 AM. We got every thing ready to move. No difficulty backing out even with the wet ground, Herb guided me. After the Jeep was hooked up and ready to go, we went in for breakfast. Herb and JoNell fixed eggs, spicy sausage, thick cut bacon, biscuits and gravy. After this hearty breakfast we said our goodbyes and were on the road at about 11:30 AM, Headed for the Thousand Trails Par at Lake Conroe.
We stopped in Nacogdoches for propane. Although the panel and gauge on the tank read empty, it only took a little over 19 gallons to fill the tank. Since we only use propane for the stove top and the refrigerator (when we don’t have 110 v power) this was the first time the tank has been filled since the coach was delivered to us last July in Minnesota.
Most of the 160 or so miles to Lake Conroe were on good Texas highways and the lat stretch on I-45. We didn’t have rain during the drive, but the highway between Garrison and Nacogdoches was wet from earlier rain. This really messed up the coach and Jeep. A day driving without rain is like, well a day of driving without rain. We got to Lake Conroe at about 3 PM. We decide to look for a pull through site with 50 amp power hook up. We pulled into a 30 amp site to reconnoiter. The roads and sites are very narrow and I found out the ground was very soft. The pull through sites here are arraigned so every other one pulls in opposite the coach next door. It’s nice that the next guys utilities aren’t just outside your door. It also makes it nice if you travel with another coach, your doors face each other. The drawback here at Conroe is that the spaces are very close together. The back in sites are spaced further apart. We finally settled on space 54 next to a man we had talked to after looking around.
After getting set up and resting for awhile, I called y uncle Curtis Ford t see what the plan for the evening was. They were at their daughter Lawanna’s home in Spring. We decided to meet them at about 630 and go to supper from there.
Spring was about a thirty minute drive from Thousand Trails. After greetings and hellos we visited for awhile. It had been several years since we had seen this part of the family. Present were the three of us, Gloria Ford, my mom’s youngest sister and her husband Curtis, three of Gloria’s children, Lawanna Tom, Karla Schuler , Mark Ford and John Tom, Lawanna’s husband. We went for supper at a nearby Mexican restaurant, Some good food some so so food, but good company. Back to the house for more visiting. We got back to the RV park at about 11 PM, That’s why my blog is date on the 31st.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Oct. 29, 2009
Last night the washer went off when it got to the dry cycle, so our clean clothes are hanging all around to dry. Starting yesterday evening it got warmer and very muggy.
Before noon I got up on the roof and swept the leaves and water off the big slide awning. I now see why following American Coaches advise to lower the front of the coach to let the water run off doesn’t work. There is a rafter that makes a ridge down the length of the awning and two side rafters that divide the awning into three segments. There is no way the center section will drain by lowering either end of the coach. I’m going to post this problem on the American Coach Yahoo group and see how others handle the problem. I put in the big slide and after checking the hose reel without seeing any easy fix, I closed the other rooms before the rain started in earnest. I put in a call to Glendenning Marine customer support but had to leave a message. When they called back they wer short of advise on what to do. The tech said he would check around the Houston and San Antonio areas for someone to check it out. By 5:00 PM he hadn’t called back. I guess I’ll wrap the shore cord around the flag stand above the hitch and tow bar and secure it for travel until we can get it fixed. The list grows.
The forecast was for five to eight inches of rain today. All afternoon it has been coming down in waves. Slacken and then pour, slacken then pour, repeat.
After a lunch made up of Sloppy Joes made from the left over chicken we played Chicken Foot. JoNell kept the winning in the family, she won the first game. Gerri won the second.
The rain slowed down about 5 PM, by then we had 3.03” of rain. The thunder continued and by 5:30 it was raining pretty hard again. Herb has a weather warning radio and the keep giving warning that severe thunder storms capable of producing tornados are in the Carthage area. That’s about twenty miles away but the storms seem to be moving NE.
Supper was salad, home made chili and cornbread with cheese and mild chili peppers cooked in. After diner it was more dominos. We played a game of Chicken Foot, which Gerri won, and then switched to Mexican Train. Glenna won the first game and Gerri the second. I never saw the Perleys get such high scores.
We plan to leave in the morning after breakfast. As we used to say in West Virginy, “ Lord willin’ and the crick don’t rise.” Where we are parked is asphalt but there is a stretch of grass I have to back over to get to the road.
It is raining again as I type this. When I last looked at the rain gauge it read 4.21” for the day. We go through Lufkin tomorrow and they got 5” today.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Oct. 28, 2009
Sunshine this morning. I went with Herb to take his brother to the doctor in Nacogdoches. He had to have x-rays to check the healing progress of his broken leg.
When we have visited Herb and JoNell we have always plugged into 2o amp 115 v service. Herb and I decided to remedy this so that if needed we could run air conditioning. While in Nacogdoches we went to Lowes to pick up a 30 amp breaker and waterproof receptacle. Herb already had the wire, so with stops at a couple of RV stores we picked up both male and female plugs to make up a power cord long enough to reach from the barn to where we park. Herb’s son also parks his trailer in the same place, so he can also use the power cord.
Do monkeys love footballs? We got everything put together and plugged in to the couch. Whoops wiring error, nothing coming through. We took the plugs apart and checked the wiring, I had got that right. We took the receptacle apart, Herb had that right too. We put it all back together. Viola, no wiring errors and 120 volts reading on the ESP and 30 amps reading on the power control system central monitor panel.
This little job had taken all afternoon and by 6 PM everyone was starving. We decided to go to the Cotton Patch in Nacogdoches. Why do we keep going there? We should go to Tyler, it’s easier to spell. We all had excellent meals once the waiter got fresh fries on the table.
Back to the house and an exciting Chicken Foot game. From previous blogs you can probably guess who won. His initials are Herb Perley.
I had filled the water tank earlier and when we got to the coach Gerri started to do wash. Remember the monkey and the football? No volts coming in and a wiring error message on the monitor panel. Start with basics, the breaker wasn’t thrown, both ends plugged in. Humm, what could the matter be? A close inspection showed that when the cord plugged into the receptacle it was on a little bit of an angle. When the lid to the weather proof box came down it moved the plug just enough to break the connection. Off with the waterproof part. A jury rigged plastic bottle fitted over the box to keep out the rain and we were back in business.
Tomorrow we will have clean clothes.
All is well in Barkerville. Well almost. With the new power cord I didn’t need as much shore cord coming out of the coach. I tried to reel it in no dice. There is a sound like gears not meshing completely. So tomorrows plans now include trying to see if I can fix that problem so the shore power cord can be reeled in.
I love the adventure of living and traveling in a motorhome. But sometimes the adventure isn’t what I plan.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Oct. 27, 2009
There is a T in Texas and a T in Tyler too. Herb, JoNell and Gerri and I drove to Tyler. We had lunch at iHop and then went with Herb to his orthopedic appointment. He is getting a series of shot in one of his knees to ease the pain. They have some type of thing made from rooster comb that helps replace cartlidge, Or something like that.
On the way back to Garrison we stopped at the Minden Post Office. I hadn’t seen a Post Office this small since
While in Tyler we stopped at Home Depot and picked up the parts for a 50 amp outlet in Herb’s barn. So the next time we visit we will have a better power source.
When we got back from Tyler Herb took a nap and the rest of us just sat around. Glenna wasn’t feeling good. She didn’t go to Tyler, not because she wasn’t feeling good but just to stay at the coach and read. The feeling bad came later. She did come into the house with us for supper and ate pretty good. This nondescript “not feeling good” has happened once before on this trip when she had eaten hardly anything but candy all day. She said she didn’t eat any candy but she also had not been drinking any water. Hopefully this is the same thing and she will be good to go in the morning.
We had leftovers for supper and Glenna ate well.. It was better than Yesterday. I never understood why some people don’t like leftovers.
A round of Chicago and a game of Chicken Foot rounded out the evening. Gerri won at Chocago. Remember she also won last night at Chicago. Herb won Chicken Foot.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Oct. 26, 2009
I heard the rain coming through the trees before I heard it on the coach roof. It rained hard for what seemed like hours before daylight. Turns out the rain started at about 5 AM. It rained most of the morning, totaling 2.48” according to Herb’s new rain gauge.
Herb and I did drive into town to get bills for my G people’s Halloween cards and get them mailed in time to get there before Halloween.
Herb smoked ribs and chicken for supper. No jokes about how hard is is to light ribs and chicken. I meant the food was cooked on a smoker. JoNell had fixed broccoli, a cheesy potato casserole, and sweet corn from their garden to round out the meal. It’s diet time after this trip.
After supper we played Chicago. Halfway through we had desert, carrot cake and ice cream. After all the hands were played Gerri prevailed. In 12 hands she only missed her bid twice.
Another good day visiting.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Oct. 25, 2009
We attended church in Garrison. We talked with members of the congregation we hadn’t seen for five years. After services we had lunch with JoNell while Herb was at a church meeting. W spent a lazy afternoon around the house and coach. We went for supper at a Rancho Grande, a Mexican restaurant in Timpson. It used to be a drive in, great Mexican food. They have a soft serve ice cram machine and you get all the desert you want.
After supper we played a game of chicken foot.
All in all a really good day.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Oct. 24, 2009
I overcame my clockly deficiency and got it set. It’s one of those “atomic” jobs that sets to the correct time from some radio signal. I finally found the button combination to get it on Central Time instead of Eastern Time. I wanted to get an early start so I set the alarm for 7 AM. Gerri woke me up to tell me the alarm was going off. Oh, I guess I hadn’t mentioned that the beeping is in a range I don’t hear. I guess it’s the same frequency as the constant ringing in my ears. Of course I was too tired to roll out of bed and I laid there for another forty five minutes.
By the time I got the utilities put away and enough water off the slide awning to allow them to roll in properly it was nine o’clock. I couldn’t leave without saying goodbyes to the Howeth’s, after all it may be over a year before we see them again. So it was about 9:30 AM before we left the Rockwell RV Park.
Right away the Garmin started giving me trouble, here after I will refer to it as the Gremlin. Gerri’s Cousin, JoNell Perly and her husband Herb, live on Texas FM Road 1791that the Gremlin wouldn’t accept or couldn’t find. It did find FM Roads with higher and lower numbers. It also wouldn’t come up with Garrison, TX, Garrison several other states but not Texas. I figured what the hey, I know where Dallas is and headed that way figuring I would dial in a route later.
Gerri called JoNell to tell her we were on the way. JoNell gave us the latitude longitude coordinates for her house. How many people do you know besides me and Paul Conner that know the coordinates for our homes? Once the coordinates were laid in the route was calculated. I went over the turns and guess what the last turn was on to? You got it, FM 1791. In spite of that glitch I felt better with the route laid out and the mileage and ETA displayed.
We stopped at about noon and had breakfast at a Cracker Barrel. Meals for three at Cracker Barrel shouldn’t cost $98. I hadn’t figured on the shopping part of the stop. I had to stop a three more times, once for fuel and twice to walk around and wake up. Neither of the rest stops had caches, bummer.
In spite of the stops and a futile drive around Henderson, TX looking for a propane station, we got to Herb and JoNell’s at about 6 PM. But not without the Gremlin striking again. We left Henderson going south on US 259. About ten miles later the Gremlin said to turn on Texas something or other and later onto an FM Road and then east on US 84. I zoomed out the map display and of all things, I could have gone further south on 259 and intersected 84. That route would have been on wider roads with shoulders. Not that the Texas Route and the FM road were bad. The speed limit was 60 MPH on them , and 70 MPH on the US routes. This speed limit was in spite of the fact the roads were narrow two lanes with no shoulder or controlled access. In Ohio they would probably been restricted to 30 MPH. I know this because most four lane divided roads with controlled access there are 55 MPH, ask some one close to me what doing 60 there will get you. I haven’t checked yet but I suspect I had the Gremlin set to calculate the shortest route instead of the fastest.
Herb had set up a 50 amp circuit with a long cord for us, but he used the twist lock type plug and I didn’t have an adapter. So Monday it’s probably off to the hardware store. We got set up by about 6:30 with only 20 amp service. With the weather here that will probably be plenty.
For a late supper Herb grilled rib eye steaks and we had all the trimmings plus a delicious carrot cake for desert. Jason, eat your heart out, your Nana is a great cook.
We plan to go to church services in Garrison. Lucky us Bible Study isn’t until 10 AM and services are at 11 AM. Pretty convenient for us late sleeping slow movers. We have attended the Garrison Church of Christ a few times before, interestingly enough we met people there whose nephew I worked with in Las Vegas.
BTW, it was sunny today with only a small headwind while we were driving.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Oct. 23, 2009
Grey again this morning but no rain or wind. It cleared later in the day, sunshine at last. This our last full day in Oklahoma. I did two geocaches in the morning. We went to visit Gerri’s aunt Gladys King. She lives in an assisted living facility next to Oklahoma Christian University. I had last seen her in 1975 or ’76. Gerri has last seen her at Gerri’s Grandmothers funeral in 1991. We spent the afternoon with some catch up.
In the evening cousin Tammy and her family came to the park for a visit . Her husband, Brian, hadn’t seen our RV so I gave another nickel tour. Tammy brought over oatmeal cookies and brownies for our going away present. They might not last till we leave.
I hooked up the Jeep tonight . I’ll do the utilities tomorrow in the daylight. I hope to get underway by 9 or 9:30 in the morning and be in Garrison, TX by late afternoon.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Oct. 22, 2009
Another morning sleeping in late. I guess we needed to catch up after a wee in Decatur and two days on the road. Very clody today but not a lot of rain and colder than yesterday.
We went to Helene Anderson’s after lunch. Helene is the Grandmother of our nephews Chris, Brian and Matt Anderson. In our family things aren’t simple and you might need a program to know all the players. Maybe I need to print one up. Brian and his girlfriend (Miranda) and his father, Fred, were also there. Miranda is a new player for my program, nice lady. We played a game of Chicago. I really don’t care for bidding type card games, mainly because I don’t play them well. With seven players the game is 14 hands. Wonder of wonders I was only set once and was the winner for the day.
We talked Helene out of cooking for the group and decided on Italian food. We went to Zio’s in Bricktown. For those who aren’t familiar with OKC, Bricktown is a kind of downtown redevelopment area centered around a canal system. Lots of restaurants and shopping with other development like condos and hotels nearby. If you are in OKC it’s really worth seeing. I know a lot of people make fun of Oklahoma and Oklahomans but, OKC is really quite a cosmopolitan place.
The meals at Zio’s are reasonably priced and plentiful enough that everyone took home enough for another meal.
After supper Fred and Helene came over to see our home away from home. I showed Fred World of Warcraft and when we have a better connection I’ll send him a trial invitation. Brian already plays but not on the same server as I do.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Oct. 21, 2009
Ore wind during the night and early morning. It was dark and we slept late. By noon we were blessed with more rain. Mostly gentle rain but sometimes heavily.
Later in the afternoon I saw Alan and Joan, whom we met in Decatur, pulled in and parked at the end of the row opposite us.
I visited with them until Gerri got home from her hair appointment. Then the four of us visited until it was time to meet cousin Tammy for supper at On The Border. Her husband, Brian, had a root canal yesterday and didn’t make it. Tammy’s son, Nicholas, was there and another cousin, Josh King was a pleasant surprise by being able to make it. We hadn’t seen him since he was enroute to his first year of college at Pepperdine. The food was good and the conversation spirited.
After supper Tammy and Nicholas came over to the park to see where we live while on the road.
As I get ready for bed the rain continues.
Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:7
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Oct. 20, 2009
It’s still windy but warmer than other places we have been recently.
I went to a nearby Camping World and looked at all the stuff. They didn’t have anything I don’t already have or can’t live without. I also knocked the bugs off the front of the coach.
We went to Gerri’s cousin’s house for supper. We had barbecued ribs and chicken. Preceded and followed by visiting and catching up on family members.
Tomorrow Gerri is going to get her hair done and I plan on puttering around most of the day.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Oct. 19, 2009
Still clockly deficient and woke up an hour before I wanted to. I think this clock is one of the Atomic ones that is set by radio waves.
I tried for a nearby cache but no luck. We left Springfield at about 9:30 AM. Our target for this afternoon is the Rockwell RV Park, just off I-40 on the west side of OKC.
We had a head wind crossing from the left all day. Once in Oklahoma the speed limit was 75mph.. I got up to 70 for awhile. The crossing wind made me uncomfortable at that speed so I slowed it down to 60. Much more relaxing at that speed.
We got to the RV park at about 3:10 PM and set up. It was still very windy but a lot warmer. Gerri made contact with some of the people we will be visiting here.
We went to Shorty Small’s for supper. We all ordered big meals, so now we have leftovers for at least two meals.
Glenna gets her hair done at the shop here in the park office in the morning at 10 AM.
Tomorrow Gerri plans to start catching up on the laundry tomorrow. My ony plan is to get some heavy duty sleep tonight.
We drove 268 miles today in two states today.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Oct. 18, 2009
We had been in the Eastern Time zone since mid-July. That changed last night. I woke up so early this morning, being somewhat clockly challenged, I set the bedroom clock wrong. I realized my mistake while making coffee, I had set the microwave clock correctly.
I’m not sure what the outside temp was during the night. I had the front thermostat set on 60° and heard it running most of the night. When I got up I turned the bedroom thermostat to 60º when I got up and it came on immediately. The both ran until we were ready to leave. The coach started shedding 110 appliances just before the coffee finished brewing. I had to start the genset to finish the brewing and using the computer. I’ll sure be glad when we have the larger batteries. This coach is a real power hog compared to the Revolution. I guess it’s the extra fridge and computers.
We got underway at about 8:30 AM. Most of the roads in both Illinois and Missouri both have 55 mph for vehicles like ours. Because of my short sleep we stopped at three rest stops. We had lunch in the first one and then I did geocaches. The next rest stop had a geocache too, so I bagged that one. The next rest stop had a welcome center but no geocaches. It did have the largest truck parking area I have ever seen in a rest stop. We had decided to stop at a WalMart on the west side of Springfield. The rest stop was at mm111. Just as I got up to speed on the interstate I noticed there was a brake check up ahead. Traffic went down to one lane, eventually stopping altogether. We could see the jam continuing up a hill in the distance. Traffic stopped twice so long I shut down the engine. Thiscontinued to mm105 where the wreck was being cleared. We stopped at a Cracker Barrel on the east side of Springfield. We all love their food, of course Glenna get two suppers for the price of one. She didn’t eat but about half her meal.. We got to the Super WalMart at exit 77 at about 6 PM. There were several semis parked under no truck parking signs. I went in and got an OK from the manager to park for the night. There was one other RV here and the lot was noisier than the one last night.
We drove 327 miles in two states today and plan to be at the Rockwell RV Park in OKC tomorrow afternoon. We have stayed there before. We plan a few days of down time planned before visiting relatives in the area. We are hoping the park still has an onsite Beauty Salon. For the ladies, not me.
As a side note; American Coach srikes again. They replaced the hdrolic piston that operates the step cover. Now the switch is backwards, it retracts when Extend is pressed and extends when Retract is pressed. When we get set up in OKC I'll take a look at it and see if I can reverse the wires.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Oct. 17, 2009
We parked at Cruising America RV, Kamp Kevin, last night. Since they start work at 8 Am we got up at about 7 AM. As it turns out Kevin ordered the wrong batteries, so they wouldn’t fit in our bay. He did wire in the switches for the dash fans that were installed in Sept. We will get together with Kevin in Quartzsite in January for the battery installation.
We left Celina, OH at about 10:40 AM with the Gremlin, err Garmin, set on Oklahoma City. We drove 267 miles across parts pf three states; Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. We stopped at about 4:15 PM, due to the time change to central. By eastern time it was after 5 PM. Seven hours driving is plenty for one day.
There are 5 or 6 other RVs at this WalMart. It is also the first one I recall seeing with a truck parking area. There are over 20 semis here. Of course some run their engines all night and other run reefers in spite of the cold ambient temperature. Running the engine all night is a sure indication the driver doesn’t pay for the fuel. The trucks also come and go so there is acceleration and braking noise going on too. At Kamp Kevin the trucks come and go from the shop behind Kevin’s building all night. Last night I slept so soundly I only heard one go by. They are only about 10 feet away, but I still didn’t hear the ones that came by after I went to bed. Maybe tonight will be a repeat.
We had supper at a nearby Mexican Restaurant, El Rancherito. It was very good. Glenna had a shrimp fajita. We must have starved her all day, I never saw her eat so much.
Depending on how well we sleep, OK how well I sleep, we plan on getting an early start and making it over half way to Oklahoma City.
I’m going to log on to World of Warcraft and see if Sean is playing. He called earlier while I was driving to see if Grandpa could play.
I did manage one geocache at a reststop after we got to Illinios.
"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17
Friday, October 16, 2009
Oct. 16, 2009
We slept in for an hour more than the last couple of days, they didn’t come for the coach until 7 AM.
When we got here Monday there were 24 items on the list to resolve. Today the took the coach to the rain tank to test to see if the leaks had been fixed. I was told there were no leaks. The did wash the coach. This was the first time it was cleaned since we had it washed at the Home Coming rally in July. My excuse is all the rain while we were parked or driving. In discussion with the service writer after four full days they seemed to think they had done all they could. I left understanding that the problems with the bedroom TV wasn’t fixed and that after rain I had a procedure to follow to keep water coming in with the full room slide. Their outside contactor wasn’t able to match the vinyl. I guess we will be looking for a company when we get back to Las Vegas.
We left the service center at about 2:30 PM and headed for Monroeville, In about 14 miles away. At Monroeville Chassis the dismounted the front tires and installed the Tyron System that Spartan wouldn’t or couldn’t do. The Tyron System is designed to keep the tire on the wheel in case of a flat or blowout. It came with the coach from Beaudry and I thought it best to keep it. After the installation the tires were remounted and balanced. We were out of that shop at about 4:15 PM.
I had called Kevin Mallory at Cruising America while the work was being done at Monroeville. He had my new batteries in and said come on over. Counting moving around the Service Center all week, the trip to Monroeville and then to Celina we have traveled 76.2 miles and are parked at Kamp Kevin in Celina, OH, 32 miles from Camp Fleetwood Decatur, IN. We got to Cruising America RVand set up by 5:30 PM. No one else is here. Since Kevin and John don’t usually start work until 8 AM we get to sleep in again tomorrow. Hopefully the new batteries will give us the amperage to handle the the evenings we aren’t in RV parks. With this coach we haven’t been able to stay off the grid as long as with the last one. With the Revolution it wasn’t difficult to park at 4 in the afternoon and still have power at 8 or 9 the next morning. We have found this coach takes more power than the old one. I guess the extra TV, computers and fridge in the basement make a big difference.
I think we finished off the leftovers at supper tonihgt.
When Gerri turned down our bed there was water on the pillow. Mmm, I guess my list starts again for the next trip to Decatur. The control for the bedroom TV didn't work as well as it did before they checked it. Another item for the new list.
We hope to leave for Texas on Sunday. This drive will be more leisurely than the one from Vermont Back to Indiana. We hope to take a couple of days of downtime along the way to rest, relax and refresh.
BTW, this was a day without rain, no sunshine either.
"This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;" Hebrews 10:16
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Oct. 15, 2009
Up before sunrise! This isn’t my idea of leisurely travel. Tomorrow should be the last day here, there are only four items to finish. Hopefully they will finish in time for us to have quick trip to Monroeville, IN and then on to Celina, OH for a couple of days.
I was cold again today and rained in the afternoon, but no snow yet. We are hoping to be headed south before that happens.
I’m going to bed early again, even though we get a break in the morning. They aren’t coming for the coach until 7 Am
One consolation in spending time here is the great folks we have met.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Oct. 14, 2009
Up at 4:45 AM again, the techs came at 6 for the coach. It was cold and rained off and on all day, We turned on the furnace as soon as we got the coach back at 2PM. We watched TV most of the afternoon and didn’t go out for supper. We had leftovers to empty out the fridge.
Hopefully we will be finished here tomorrow and the on to Monroevville for front end work. Then a couple of days finishing up with modifications in Celina, Oh and then light a shuck for Texas.
That’s all for today, 4:45AM comes early.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Oct.13, 2009
Up early and at the office at 5:45 AM, it’s like being back to work. My list of items to be fixed was only fourteen long and included some that parts were ordered for in July. The techs got quite a bit done today. The door glass is replaced, the piston in the stair cover has been replaced and a lot of trim removed from the slide room in preparation to get it working properly.
Since they start work here at 6 AM they knock off at 2 PM. We have to be ready again at 6 in the morning. Those early mornings make us want them to work faster, but doing the work well is better.
We had supper with the Howeth’s and Gutierrez’s (sic) who we met here. We met the Alan and Joan Howeth in Sept. and AJ and Kathy Gutierrez this week. We had supper at Prebble Gardens. It’s famous and the place to go in the local area. Plenty Good down home food with a well kept and stocked salad bar.
To bed early tonight.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Oct. 12, 2009
Not much happening today. Last night when we arrived the lot was pretty full of motorhomes. Even though I slept in till 7:30, I heard some start up and go into the shop. When I looked out there were only 6 motorhomes in the lot.
I checked in for service, but still have to in the office in the morning at 5:45AM.
Gerri and I had supper at El Camino Real. Glenna wasn’t feeling well, so we took her some take out.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Oct. 11, 2009
N 40º 49.496 W 084° 56.356
When we got up this morning there was heavy fog, I couldn’t see all the way across the parking lot. By the time we were ready to travel there was about ½ mile visibility. Back on the interstate there was construction and barrels chocking it down to one lane, so we weren’t going to go fast anyway. About a mile later the fog suddenly ended and we had full sunlight for the first time in weeks. That lasted about an hour and then it was back to cloudy. Today was the first full day on this leg of the trip without rain.
I did pick up a geocaches in an Ohio rest stop.
Where are Cracker barrels when you are looking? We tried to stop at a couple of Bob Evan’s Restaurants, but the ones we tried near the interstate were very busy and none had on site or nearby parking for something our size. We finally saw a Cracker Barrel in Mansfield, OH about six miles past where we were supposed to turn and went for it. This was a standard CB but with a larger parking lot. The space out back where we usually park was occupied and as with others their RV/bus parking didn’t have room for a 42’ and towed vehicle. We parked in the WalMart lot next door and walked over. The full parking lot should have been a hint. By the time we got seated, served and finished over two hours had passed. There was supposed to be a cache in the Off Your Rocker series here. I couldn’t find it in the usual spot and with the crowd I didn’t do a real close search.
We got to Decatur a little after six, The service center lot was very crowded. We went to the dump station and were set up by seven with empty waste tanks and full fresh water.
Since we had a big late lunch it was a snack of various cheeses from Vermont and crackers. We tried some sheep cheese and finished off the water buaffalo cheese. We also sampled some varieties of chocolates that we bought in Vermont at the Lake Champlain Chocolate Company
Alan and Joan ( ) are here hoping to get in for service as drop ins. Our appointment is Tuesday. Tomorrow is a free day, I’m going to try to sleep in. Today was another long day of driving, about 400 miles.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
We had a little sun when we got up. I tried for a nearby cache before leaving, but no luck. During the3 night we hadn’t put out the big slide room. When I turned in the parking lot a cascade of water came down off it. Another item for American Coach next week.
Yesterday we drove though parts of four states; Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts. Today was a long day, we drove over 500 miles and through parts of five states; Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania. It rained off and on but cleared before we got to our stopping point in Clearfield, PA. It was a long drive but I squeezed in two geogaches at rest stops along the way.
This a busy Supercenter but we got permission to park on the perimeter of the lot. The sunset wasn’t spectacular. It was the first one we have seen for nearly a month.
Tomorrow we will make it to Decatur, Indiana, about 450 miles. We plan to sleep in on Monday and then drop in the service center office to see if we can get in earlier for our Tuesday appointment. I also hope to get to Decatur in time for evening services at the Church there, if not it will be the netcast from Oakey. We have always tried to avoid traveling on Sunday but it didn’t work out this week.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Oct. 9, 2009
Our last hours in Vermont were much like most of the last two weeks. The wind came up during the night and the morning was very cloudy. We headed for Peterborough, New Hampshire, the location fo Peterborough Baskets. Most of the way was light rain and that lasted until we stopped for the day. We made a quick swing through Maine and then headed for Mass. Traffic was really heavy on I-495 around Boston. By 6 PM we located a K-Mart near the Interstate in Milford, MA. A quick stop inside at customer service got us permission to park for the night.
We saw a lot of changing leaves, but with no sunshine it was hard to tell if it was better than northern Vermont.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Oct. 8, 2009
This ai the last day of out two weeks here in Vermont, our 113th day on the road this trip. We have seen some great scenery and visited some beautiful places. Today we started out activities with a tour of the Lake Champlain Chocolate Company. It’s a small operation. The tour was entirely conducted on a mezzinine overlooking the work floor. Besides telling about chocolate production and the company’s activities, they punctuated the talk with samples of the chocolate at each stage of production. As we shopped they kept putting out samples of various candies, they even gave samples of their ice cream.
After the chocolate factory tour we went looking for some more covered bridges. This time we had an “Official” Vermont road map. It didn’t help a lot, we did find two. We wonder why in this modern age the Vermont Vacation Guide doesn’t utilize Lat/Lon coordinates to make the search easier. Today the oldest bridge we saw was built in 1849 and restored in 1950.
On the way back to the resort I did one cache that hadn’t been visited since mid August.
All in all a good day. Unfortunately it was our last full day in Vermont. BTW, we had sunshine in the afternoon for the first time and clear skies as it got dark.
Tomorrow we plan to go to the Petersborough Basket Factory in New Hampshire. Then our whirlwind trip back to Decatur, IN via Maine, RI, Mass., and Conn. begins.
Oct. 7, 2009
Yesterday must have been a fuller day than I thought. Between being tired and the wind during most of the night we were in bed until a little after ten. Even with the rain I could hear the slide awnings flapping. It was cloudy with intermittent rain all day. About all our activity consisted of was computer time and reading. I did venture out for the mail and to take out the trash. Since we still plan to swing through New Hampshire and Maine with a stop at the Petersbough Basket Company, I did some route planning. Since I don’t load the routes from the DeLorme program on my computer to the Street Pilot, the actual route often varies. I have taken to referring to the GPS receiver as the Gremlin instead of the Garmin. It always gets us through but sometimes does strange things. Once it directed us off the Interstate and the back on via the entrance ramp across the road from the exit ramp. Another time we stopped for the night and the next morning when I turned it on the route was recalculated and we didn’t take the route as calculated the day before. No big whoop since we didn’t have plans along the old route.
Supper was delicious one pot chicken dish with noodles and vegetables that Gerri concocted. One of our best meals. As a reward, or because she sat down in her favorite chair, I washed the dishes and Glenna dries them. We watched the new ABC line up of sitcoms. Remember when TV was called the vast wasteland? Well, it’s baaack. Or maybe it was always this way and we didn’t notice because at home it’s so easy to walk away and there are many others things to do. About the most entertainment on is Fox news. There’s always CNN and the lamestreet stations, but they all worship at the altar of Obama. I have watched Jay Leno’s monolog a couple of times and noticed some BUSHesque comments about Obama starting to slip in. Maybe there is hope for this country yet, his armor seems to be cracking at least with some in the liberal entertainment set. Folks we are teetering on the brink of disaster and have to pull ourselves back before it’s too late.
By the time we went to bed the wind was gusting again. More awning music to sleep by.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Oct. 6, 2009
From the Apple Island Resort, South Hero, Vermont.
This was a full day. It actually started last night when Gerri found information on covered bridges in Vermont. A few years ago we did a covered bridge tour in western Indiana so we decide to do it again in Vermont. I mapped out two routes with 6-8 towns. One going south and working back to the north , the other going north and working south back to the RV park. We went for the northern route.
There was some blue sky when we started but we got that behind us quickly. We ended up driving about 170 miles, took about 8 hours we and saw 11 covered bridges. We also saw a lot of beautiful countryside, including some changing leaves. Our trip started north on I-89 to St. Albans and then off on Vermont State Routes. The first bridge we spotted was near the town of East Fairfield. Of all names it was the East Fairfield Bridge built in 1865. Our last bridge was the Grist Mill Bridge near Cambridge Junction, it was built in 1872, this was the longest bridge at 135’, one of the longest Burr Arch bridges in the USA. The oldest bridge in the guide was built in 1864, we didn’t find that one. This tour may sound pretty simple but the tourist guide said to use in conjunction with an “Official” Vermont roadmap. Guess what we didn’t have, so it was more difficult. I tried to write the towns, bridge name and date of construction. A couple of hours after we got home it occurred to me that I had two GPS receivers in the Jeep and could have marked the exact locations.
We saw two kinds of bridge structures, Lattice ( and Burr Arch ( . Most of the bridges have been restored under a federal pork project pushed through by Vermont Politian. Consequently the exteriors of most of them don’t look that old. The structure of the bridges themselves is obviously original, the beams in some were fastened together with wooden pegs others had iron or steel bolts.
We did figure out how to tell if a covered bridge was down a side road. If the sign at the turn off read 16,000 pound load limit or under, there’s an old bridge.
All in all it was a good day. Not a lot of sunshine, but some stunning scenery. We saw other leaf peekers and bridge seekers. Maybe tomorrow or Thursday we will do the south loop.
I took over 100 photos, you can soon see some in my Facebook album. Some you might have to wait until you get a Christmas card.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Oct. 5, 2009
More clouds less rain today. I went out to cache for awhile in the afternoon but the nearest ones involve walks of over a mile.
I took my Mom to a salon to have her hair done. I tried for a nearby cache but didn’t find it. Bad day of caching.
Oct. 4, 2009
Wow, how many cloudy days can we have? No matter the weather or the circumstances I try to remember Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
I couldn’t find an appropriate church on Church Zip, so we tuned in the netcast from our church home on Oakey Blvd. in Las Vegas.
The regular evangelist, Randy Mabe, is under doctors orders to rest due to a recent episode and upcoming tests. Today’s message of glad tidings was delivered by Scot Parchman. Scot did a great job with the subject being forgiveness. We also enjoyed the sing. I have to talk to Scot about a better webcam. With the one now in use, the only people I recognize are those I know well and those that tend to sit in the same area every meeting. I also tuned in for Lewis’ evening message.
Basically this was another lazy day in Vermont with lots of clouds and a little rain.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
October 3, 2009
Another cloudy day. No rain in the morning. We had seen a Farmer’s Market advertised and decided to go. We went north on US-2. But, not far enough. We never saw the Farmer’s Market. We did drive around the island and saw some interesting homes. Gerri located a brochure on Vermont cheese producers. One open to the public was in Milton, close to the RV Park. The Willow Hill Farm produces goat, sheep and water buffalo cheeses. The farm was located at the end of a four mile dead end road. The sign on the door said open but no one was around. We could see the processing area which was all cleaned and idle. Upon reading the signs posted we realized there was an honor system in place. The various cheeses were in a refrigerator and the prices marked. We selected a sampling of the varieties and hope we added correctly and left the right amount of money.
Back at the RV Park later it rained quite heavily for awhile. To the west it looked like there might be a great sunset. I gathered up my camera and headed out. I thought the turnout on the causeway south of us would be a great place for a picture looking west to New York. Just outside the motorhome I noticed a full arc rainbow with another partial arc just above it. I then drove to the causeway. Wrong on the direction, the sun was setting rather unspectacularly behind some clouds and New York wasn’t even in sight.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Oct. 2, 2009

This morning the sun came out. There were high dark clouds that had pretty much dispersed by noon. We went for a drive , saw some beautiful countryside and visited the Cabot Creamery. More exercise for the Master Card. By 3PM the sun had gone away. Before we got back to the house it was windy and raining again.
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Oct.1, 2009
From the Apple Island Resort, South Hero, Vermont.
Another gray morning with a little rain. We had decided to go to Stowe no matter the weather. We stopped at the Cold Hollow Cider Mill, in Waterbury Center. We didn’t buy everything. The Master Card got to hot from being run through the machine. We did have some hot apple cider and donuts. Really good cake donuts made with apple cider. This place was very busy, a couple of tour busses full.
I was right the higher elevation has changed more than where the house is parked.
We had lunch at the Trapp Family Lodge. Gerri and I had Sheppard's Pie and Glenna had cabbage and bacon soup. The restaurant overlooks the valley where Stowe is located. When the clouds cleared there was snow on the hills across the valley. We drove through the Gold Brook RV park where we stayed five years ago. Although the price was higher there is more to see and do closer to that park than at Apple Island. Plus there is more color to the leaves.